Positive Check :)

Well, I figured I would share some good experiences since this illness can be so upsetting.

I just finished my second season of marching band on Friday, and it was definitely the toughest season of mine yet, since I have been recovering all throughout it. But, good news! I think it was the best I have done! I marched the show, hit the clicks, and did what I needed to do. We got 1st Division this season, once again, we finished the show, and the music was the best I have played. I got to see how far I could handle through recovery, and I am glad to say I have improved heavily.

I used to not be able to go one rehearsal without needing a break, or sitting out the rest of it. But, towards the end, I managed to stay up for at least two rehearsals and I am incredibly proud of myself for pushing myself. I have also been a lot happier and positive lately, which is always a plus.

This may not seem like a big deal to most of those who read, but, just knowing I lived another season is amazing considering I could have been too ill to even make it to camp in July. I am so glad for another year of this program, and I don’t know what I would have been doing without it this year. Hopefully, I will be fully better next year, for the new freshman, as a leader next year.

Just thought I would share this to motivate anyone going through a tough time. Nothing is impossible!
