Life is good

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to tell everyone that life is good. Its been four years since my surgery and Im getting back to everything I love to do. I use to be a marathon runner and I was sad when my doctor told me that that is something I would have to leave in my past. So... I decided to become a half marathon girl. I ran my first half marathon a month ago and I did it in 2hrs. and 20min. I took my time and enjoyed everything about it. Im running two more this coming month. My goal is to run five a year. I cant compete like I use to do and the last marathon I ran I missed qualifing for the boston marathon by 15 min. This was right before I had found out I had chairi I. I celebrate when I run now because I can run. I still get a migraine or two, but thats part of being a woman if you get what I mean. So if you are down and out remember..... celebrate the things you can do. Peace and love to all my big brain friends.


Such great news!! Thank you for sharing this with us...Congrats on the marathons!!! You go, girl!!! Please keep us posted on things....

Susan, thank you so much for your story. You are an inspiration. Beside the reminder to enjoy what we have, which I believe is the way be, you make me think that maybe I can start running again some day! Btw, I think a half marathon post decompression is at least! equal to a marathon! That’s a big deal.

Thanks for sharing such an uplifting story. I am an active person who hopes and prays that after my surgery on 10/7 that I will be able to get back to enjoying my life.

Glad you are doing so well Susan !!! I am very happy for you !!!

I suffered with chiari 14 yrs.ago I’m still not good I’m off balance,blurred beading vision,and they found fluid sacs.

Your story I enjoyed reading.

In the midst of all the suffering, conffusion and pain, thank you for taking the time to cast positivity and a dash of hope to all who read it. Thank you for that Susan.

Thanks for sharing your story at a time when I really needed to hear it.


Thanks for stopping by and letting everyone know how well you are doing! :) Congrats on your half-marathon! I just started running since my surgery and I'm enjoying it for the first time in my life!


Just wanted to wish you well. I am going back to work on 10/7 (6 weeks after my surgery). Before my surgery, it was a big deal to get out of bed and get moving, I felt exhausted from the pain and all of the other issues. I am a very active 54 year old. I feel so much better now, my doctor wanted me walking as soon as possible and by week 2 after surgery I was up to 2 miles. I just still need to be careful about lifting, some stiffness of course in my head and neck, but getting better each week! .

Just wanted to give you hope and encouragement as you are nervous. I would do it all again without a moments thought, I feel alive again.

Best wishes on 10/7.
BigD821 said:

Thanks for sharing such an uplifting story. I am an active person who hopes and prays that after my surgery on 10/7 that I will be able to get back to enjoying my life.

Thank you Susan... for reminding me this morning to remember to let people know life is good after surgery. I am 11 mos. post-op today. My journey has been a lucky one. Found the right doctor (Dr. Oro) had surgery in Colorado on a Monday and was home in my own bed by Friday. It has been amazing to feel my body come back alive. Little things I had lost during the chiari journey that have come back. My memory, vocabulary, ability to start and finish a task. NO MORE PAIN. Life is good!

We always need positive words! My life has improved amazingly in 5 weeks post surgery. I was in pain constantly and my right side would not cooperate, sleepless nights, stuttering, headaches, all the things you cannot believe are hitting you.

Thanks to learning more and hearing form others on this wonderful website, I decided to proceed with surgery. That was the most important decision ever, I feel alive again.

I want to encourage others not to be afraid of surgery, make sure you have good doctor recommendations. I was afraid, but as things got worse, I knew being afraid was nothing compared to living with what I was dealing with everyday. Yes, we all take chances with surgery, nothing is perfect and things can happen, but an experienced doctor can make a huge difference in your recovery. Thanks to all of the posts on this website, it did take away my fear.

Hugs to all of you that share your stories!

Thanks Suzy for the encouragement. Hearing how well you are doing is exactly what I needed to hear today. I am 51 yrs. old and sometimes feel like I am the oldest person deciding to have surgery. I was a very active person and feel as though I am just a "shell" of my former self. I am looking forward to feeling normal again. I just found out that I have my first grandchild coming in March so that is even more motivation.

Thanks again & continued good luck with your recovery :)


Hi Debbie,

What you are saying is exactly how I felt, I felt uncomfortable speaking and had begun to stutter and forget words, etc. (I work at a law firm where being exact is important, eek!)

I felt that I could have gone back this week, but knew one more week would make a difference yet.

Congratulations on your grandchild, I know how you feel, my grandbaby is almost 11 months old, big boy, so I can't pick him up right now. You will feel great and be so glad that you did this!

I really do feel like my old self, actually better than my old self! I felt like the recovery was not as scary as I had anticipated. You will need pain meds and cannot drive for a while, so that will be where you need help. Ice packs make a huge difference, too. My doctor encouraged me to walk as soon as I felt like it. It really helps keep you positive and the outdoors is therapeutic.

This website is what gave me information to move forward and I am grateful to share my experience.

BigD821 said:

Thanks Suzy for the encouragement. Hearing how well you are doing is exactly what I needed to hear today. I am 51 yrs. old and sometimes feel like I am the oldest person deciding to have surgery. I was a very active person and feel as though I am just a "shell" of my former self. I am looking forward to feeling normal again. I just found out that I have my first grandchild coming in March so that is even more motivation.

Thanks again & continued good luck with your recovery :)


We do have a lot in common. I also feel like I can't put a sentence together. I worked as a Physical Therapist Assistant so being able to convey information to my patients was essential. Unfortunately, I had to stop working in the clinic two years ago because of constant headaches, dizziness, neck pain, etc. I could barely get through a day and there was no way I could teach exercises or stretch people. I just work from home right now doing some Marketing for my boss (it keeps me somewhat connected).

A big concern is the pain meds and muscle relaxers. I have such a low tolerance for meds and l already take a couple of things (at the very lowest dose) that me tired and foggy. I will be converting to ice packs as soon as possible, and walking as much as I can tolerate. Being outdoors puts everything in better perspective. Hopefully the weather here in Pittsburgh cooperates.

I look forward to holding my grandchild and I am sure that you can't wait until you can again.

I can't thank you enough. You have really given me a hope.

Debbie :)

Thank you so much for the positive comments about surgery. I had decompression and cervical fusion 6 months ago. Although it was a very long and difficult road, I now feel better than I have in years. No more pain, no more headaches. I have my life back again. You can always find people posting about the negative things, but hearing from those who have had good experiences is so encouraging. Thank you and best of luck to anyone going for the surgery.