Update and gratitude!

I had my decompression surgery May 23, and it’s forever changed my life. I used to suffer horrendous migraines EVERY SINGLE DAY with no end to pain in sight… Now? I’m migraine free. It still feels weird to say (or type) that. I do still have an occasional headache, and the past two weeks I’ve felt pretty crummy but I’m pretty sure I’ve just picked up some awful virus at college.
Starting college and living 5 floors up in a dorm after surgery has been easier than I thought it would be. I’m recovered enough that regular exercise is beneficial and doesn’t make me feel like I’m dying so I don’t even mind taking the stairs or walking to class. I won’t lie, when I do get a headache I get scared- I worry that I did too much, that surgery didnt really work, or that I’m going backwards in progress, but then it passes and I’m just as pain-free as I’ve always dreamt of being. Yeah, my neck gets stiff often if I don’t stretch it and support it, but I can wake up without a migraine and I can function normally- that’s something I NEVER thought I’d get. I feel like the surgery gave me my life back. In the next few weeks, I’ll have another MRI to determine if my tonsils have receded back up where they’re supposed to be, and Saturday I turn 19. For the first time in my life, I’m going to have a birthday without worrying about getting a migraine and putting on a happy face so that my family doesn’t feel sorry for me… Even with the minor complications I’ve had since surgery, my life has improved so drastically that sometimes I just stop and smile because I’m not in pain. (Excluding the past few weeks… :frowning: Stupid virus!!)

Happy birthday girl!!! Thank you for sharing - this is great news! You deserve every second if it.


I also wanted to thank everyone on this site for being there for me— y’all helped me through some pretty rough days and made me feel less alone in this!! Now, every time I meet a fellow chiarian on Pinterest or Facebook or wherever I always recommend they join if they need information or support too! There’s actually a large community of people with Chiari growing on Pinterest. I started my own board just for Chiari things and it has almost 100 followers. So many of them have never heard of this site and truly believe they’re alone in dealing with this… I want everyone to know about how wonderful this community is!

Oh, and I didn’t want to rant on the first reply because I didn’t want to marr the positivity but this virus or WHATEVER is wrong with me is literally making me bawl my eyes out and I’m pretty sure I’m never eating ever again. Just kidding, I have a love affair with food, but still. My doctor told me the over-acidic feeling I’ve had is because of anesthesia and the meds I was on post-op. She said if we looked at my stomach’s inside, it would likely be beet-red and throbbing. I have Prilosec for it but it doesn’t help. I’m miserable. Every time I eat ANYTHING now it sends me into a horrid acidy ache. Bah. Also my head hurts and I get dizzy when I walk. This grumpy girl just needs to go to bed I suppose.


Oh, what a wonderful way to start my day…I am so thrilled for you ;the success of the surgery, your educational goals being fulfilled and you are even back to exercising !
As a mom for 2 girls, one who will be entering college next fall…just hear me out…it is the mom in me…you have a virus currently…do not take it too, too lightly…lots of fluids and rest. Be sure to keep an eye your body temp…oh…no…I think it is official…I have become my mother…but that is a good thing!!LOL
Here for you, always…
Let us know how things are going for you…what are you studying?

I hope your virus passes soon! I'm glad that overall you are feeling so much better! I hope you have a great birthday! :)