Morning all. Hope you are all well?? My cough is slowly getting better, thank goodness! Well, I put on my fb page a link to a you tube video explaining chiari and one of my close friends suffered from it and had surgery 2 years ago. WEIRD??? I'm a bit excited to have some one close to me that really understands it!! Just wanted to share with my new friends. Take care. Cheers :)
That is wonderful! I wished I had someone that close to me that have it, but I do know someone that can relate even though the condition is different. I want to check out the video what is it under?
So happy your cough is getting better. That must be a huge relief. I'm happy for you.
Glad you are feeling Abby said...that extra pressure from sinus and colds really reeks havoc and makes us feel much worse.
Happy you are doing better.
Have a good weekend.
Glad your cough is getting better. Coughing, sneezing and laughing are all painful for me now. Glad you found someone close to you that you can share with! Best of luck and take care!