Not doing well

Having a ton of pain today. I wish there was something that. Helped

Hi Katie,

Today has been a High Pain day for me also. Now the pressure is getting bad......Oh well another fun day im CM Land.

I Hope you feel better tonight,


Hi Katie...

So sorry you are suffering so much...Do you think you may be doing too much at home???? Are you listening to your body..resting when you need to??

You are only a couple of mths post are still healing..and if you are trying to do all the stuff around the house will pay..big time.

I do have a question..why is NS waiting til next Monday to do the culture??

Hope today is a better one for you and you as well Tracy!



Katie, I'm so sorry you are having a rough time. Are they not treating you for an infection? (((HUGS)))

Hang in there!



I really hope you are in fact feeling better. Homehealth always burns insurance companies. The Durable Medical Equipment & supplies are inclusive in their service and pads their bills. Have you seen what they make a day ???? I had a RN and a PT, come out three times a week and I couldn't even do PT. Crazy....

Feel Better....Please !!!


It figures.....I worked for BCBS. I know what they are paid...It's insane.


Katie Gleaves said:

It's actually funny since the RNs and techs don't make much at all. It all goes to upper management. I have worked home health for years. They don't pay crap.

TracyZ said:


I really hope you are in fact feeling better. Homehealth always burns insurance companies. The Durable Medical Equipment & supplies are inclusive in their service and pads their bills. Have you seen what they make a day ???? I had a RN and a PT, come out three times a week and I couldn't even do PT. Crazy....

Feel Better....Please !!!


Wow! That is completely crazy. I sure hope you can get something done tomorrow.

Katie Gleaves said:

Extremely upset!!! Mom just cleaned and repacked my wound. It was really gummy and covered with infected goop. Not only that but the wound inside just keeps getting larger. It was 6cmx3cm and is currently about 7 1/2cmX4cm.
Very angry that we voiced our concerns yesterday and he said we will culture it next week.

In all honesty I think he needed to order an MRI and culture it yesterday.

Calling and voicing my opinion in the am. Ugh! Why can’t they or why wont they listen to us?


You said it is a staph infection correct? Maybe you need to see a wound specialist. I am really woried about you!!!

Mine took about two weeks to heal & you have past that mark. Demand he cultures it tomorrow. His asst. can culture it, You need to be on the right antibiotics.

Please, Please keep us posted,

I am praying for you,


Katie, I am sorry that you are having a painful day. I am with you…holding your hand. This has been a bad past few days…your kinds words has helped, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If you need to chat…I am here up all night


Glad you were able to sleep...It is a bear when you are unable to sleep for days....effects every part of your life when you are sleep deprived...

Hope you are feeling better today.



Praying that being able to sleep is your first step to recovery.



Please let us know how you make out today with the NS....

Good luck.

HUgs for you today and prayers.

Take care hope it gets better soon, remember we have a road trip soon to the neuro and med schools to teach these new young docs and let the old doc know a few things.

Glad you sound better today.

Katie, use the ER if you have too. I did that with an infection from a different surgery. Was glad I did. An Infectious desease DR. will see you too. You'll get answeres.

Katie, hope all goes well on Friday. I agree on not going to the ER. I’ve told my friends and family that I will have to be unconscious to ever go the the ER again.


Katie, You will be in my prayers. I'm so sorry your going through this. I do wish you the best. I'll be waiting to see you back on here.

Hi Katie...

I am so sorry that you have no support from your brother and sister -in-law to help you out with Duncan....My Lord..I often wonder how people...even family members can be so cruel....It is not like you are going on a fancy trip or the spa!!

Your mom is not that helpful, right??? Have you any back up to help you out in a pinch?? Do you think if you called your sister in law and told her how important this is and that you CANNOT need Duncan cared for ..for a few lousy hours...Just a her..not your brother.....she is a mom and may end up softening up.

You are in my thoughts and prayers...let us know how you are!!




My infection turned into Chemical Meningitis and a Epidemeologist took over. I am so glad you are getting it all cleaned out, but I also agree with everyone else if you start running a fever or just don't feel right ....please go to the Emergency Room. Your dr. should have never let this go on for so long. If at all possible I would keep your son for you, but I think you are a long way away for me, here in Va. Please let us know as soon as you can how things are going. If you want to send me a message with the name of the hospital and your lastname & city. I will call you & update the group. I know we all care for you & will be worried.

Think about it....I know you will be fine....I just wish I had a voodoo doll I could poke a few times of your dr.....: )


Good Luck Katie.....

You are in thought and prayer.
