Cut off

I was cut off by my benefits company for the 3rd time this year.. and this time its because my recovery is taking too long. ehnn

I am so sorry....Dont ya just love insurance companies....I've had to argue with mine a few times over different things..and they just finally agreed to pay bills from EARLY 2010. to which mind you i have ALREADY PAID--so now i have to wait for the doctors office to catch on and refun my $$ and well we all know how that goes.

Ugh its a pain... like really? I'm post-op still... and this walk in doctor filled out my forms and said i shouldn't return to work until after my follow up with the NS and yet I got cut off anyway. rawrs

I'm already having to deal with my employer about lost wages and other issues after being forced back to work... and now i have to deal with my benefits company too... rawrs. super mad fais

That’s crummy. Hope it gets straightened out quickly.

NieNie0326 said:

Ugh its a pain… like really? I’m post-op still… and this walk in doctor filled out my forms and said i shouldn’t return to work until after my follow up with the NS and yet I got cut off anyway. rawrs

I’m already having to deal with my employer about lost wages and other issues after being forced back to work… and now i have to deal with my benefits company too… rawrs. super mad fais

thanks everyone for your support.

Nie I feel you on being forced back to work my insurance company was pretty good. But I hope things work out for you though.

hi....i m so sorry for this added stress//which you do not need, for sure.

is there any way to appeal this???

No one wants to be disalbled ..but maybe you need to apply for SSDI...doesn't mean you have to on it forever, ya know???

Also. does your state have a program for folks in your insurance??? I know many states in NY one who doesn't have med insurance can buy insurance...much cheaper than say COBRA.

keep us posted,



canada has gvmt funded insurance doesnt it? so iam not sure how you could be cut off- thats rather confusing- i hope you find a way to get back the necessary coverage and get back the money your employer owes you. You might have to raise some hXXX to get it. I do hope you get was is rightfully yours and soon!!

I’m praying you can get things straightened out with the least amount of stress.

Many blessings,


Oh Gosh; I know that must be stressful; I hope it gets worked out soon and you don't have to deal with that anymore A lot of people from Canada come here to have my neurosurgeon do their Chiari surgery; I've met quite a few of them in my doctor's office and in our Chiari support group meetings which they usually attend while they are here. I confess I don't know anything about the benefits part but who's to say how long someone will need to recover; there are so many variables. If working within your benefits/insurance companies is anything like the ones in the States, I do know how frustrating THAT can be. The most frustrating to me is that you can rarely get a person on the phone. It's "push this button, now push this button"; it's enough to drive you crazy and make you wish we could go back to the days of talking to people instead of machines. Saying prayers that you will get better soon and you can get the benefits part worked out without too much stress.

