I haven't been here in a long time, so I just wanted to stop by and post a little update.
My fatigue and frequency of pain have increased even more. I was REALLY blessed by a woman I know from my daughters' gym this Christmas. We were talking about how it was even getting hard for me to spend so much time sitting up at my computer... and the next week she brought me her husband's old laptop!! My dad bought me a router for Christmas and my brother-in-law helped me get it all set up, so now I can spend a good chunk of the day (when the kids are at school... and part of the late afternoon/evening) laying on the couch.
I had my disability hearing on Monday since it was my third appeal. There are no guarantees and I have to wait 20-30 days, but by the end of it the vocational expert told the judge there are no jobs I can do. My lawyer and I are taking that as a good sign. ;)
That's about it.