Nausea after surgery

Jessica -
I was sick the whole first night in the ICU. The next morning I refused any type of pain meds and just used Tylenol. The recovery has been much more painful as a result.
If you’ve never had surgery before it is hard to know how you will react. Many people have no problem at all.

Thanks Aggie89, and I definitely plan to. My phobias are out of control. I figure the more people at the hospital I speak to about it, the better off I am. Hope you are doing well! - TracyJessica

aggie89 said:

I did not have any nausea in the hospital. They were giving me anti nausea meds regularly and I just remembered they put a motion sickness patch behind my ear before surgery! I think they took it off the day I went home. That might explain why when we got to the hotel after being released, I got very nauseas and had to take phenergan. My husband rubbed a washcloth with ice inside under my chin and on my neck and that helped so much until meds kicked in. I was nauseas quite often before surgery. Discuss all of your concerns with your dr and you’ll do great!

Ok Tara…that didn’t sound too bad! Thanks so much for sharing. It really is true that every case is different! - TracyJessica

Tara Marcum said:

Before my surgery they put this little round patch behind my ear that they said was for nausea. The nurse said that it would last up to 2 days.
Right after they brought me to my room I needed to go to the bathroom. Well as soon as the nurses got me up and to the bathroom a wave of nausea hit me bad. I told the nurses I was going to throw up. One of the nurses left the room quickly while the other helped me back to bed as quickly as she and I could go. The one nurse that had left the room had actually went to go and get some Zofran to put in my IV. As soon as she put it in my IV the cause went away. Luckily I did not throw up. They acted quickly thank goodness.

BigD821, so…If you refused pain meds because you were nauseas in ICU… and had to endure a more painful recovery…did you at least have relief from the nausea???

BigD821 said:

Jessica -
I was sick the whole first night in the ICU. The next morning I refused any type of pain meds and just used Tylenol. The recovery has been much more painful as a result.

If you’ve never had surgery before it is hard to know how you will react. Many people have no problem at all.

Yes once all the pain meds & anesthesia were out of my system, I felt better.
I too had Zofran & Pepcid in my IV as well as the scopolamine patch behind me ear. This seems to help most people, but not me. I am just overly sensitive.

Wow. You just never know. Usually I hear opposite. I have always considered myself very sensitive as well, but after over a year of pain killers and assorted other meds, it makes me wonder if I actually built a tolerance. I’m sure I am about to find out tomorrow! I thank you for helping me when I needed it. Again, I truly hope everything has worked out for you! - TracyJessica

BigD821 said:

Yes once all the pain meds & anesthesia were out of my system, I felt better.
I too had Zofran & Pepcid in my IV as well as the scopolamine patch behind me ear. This seems to help most people, but not me. I am just overly sensitive.