Today is two weeks post-op and I feel like I am doing really well. My surgery was a little over two hours, I spent two days in ICU then two days in a regular room before coming home on Mother’s day. My first nurse in ICU was a God send and was on top of everything. Unfortunately, when the shift changed some things got a little confused and delayed. My NS told he would add some pain med but apparently told them to change the pain med. When I called and asked for pain med, someone said they would tell my nurse. They failed to say I was not due any (which I was) and did not come into the room. An hour later when I am extremely nauseous and in pain, I thought my mom was going to kill the nurse. Instead of the nurse becoming helpful, she was very defensive. I actually thought of this site and learned from you all. I stepped in and tried to calmly explain (through tears) how important it is to manage the pain. It is extremely important! When it is not managed well I get nauseas which sends everything in to a viscous cycle . I have had two C-sections, so I thought I was prepared, I was not. But I did know we would be able to get it under control so I could get through.
When they sent me home, they took me off the steroid regimane. That was a mistake. I ended up having to go back to the NS on Monday morning. (I looked like hell, but did not care.) I was so weak I had to use a wheelchair. I was constantly nasueas and had thrush in my mouth. They called in nausea medicine, put me back on steroids, and gave me Mary’s Magic Mouth Wash. I also started taking a probiotic. I highly recommend probiotics for anyone getting ready for this surgery. I wish I would have taken them before. It is hard to believe I had brain surgery but the most lingering effect is a painful mouth.
Week 1 was definitely rough but with my family’s help, I made it through. Pain is minimal now and manageable. On my second round of mouth wash, but the yeast seems to be getting better. I eat small amounts before taking meds to avoid nausea. I still am taking the muscle relaxers, Tylenol, and the last few steroids. I am only taking one actual pain pill at night before I go to sleep. The steroids are playing with my blood sugar, so I do get the shakes around meal times. The other major discomfort is with getting the bowels moving well. I did go before I left the hospital, but the continued meds meant continued constipation. I mistakenly thought that since I had gone before I was all set and did not need any other help. I kept taking the stool softeners. My discharge nurse recommended MiraLAX. I am a bit of a baby when it comes to drinking medicines, so I avoided it at first. When I finally gave in and tried it I discovered it was not bad at all and it does work! I highly recommend it.
Before the surgery, friends kept telling me they wanted to help out with meals and such. I was clueless and honestly felt like we would not need them but we did. It has been such a relief for me to have something taken off of my family. My co-worker set it up on a website call It is wonderful. The website keeps everything organized. The meals have all been delicious and just what we needed.
Fatigue is still my biggest obstacle. I feel so weak. The slightest activity wears me out quickly. However, I do think the surgery was a good decision and is working.