Just wanted to give a little update. I'm almost three weeks out from surgery and still surprising myself with how well I feel. I rarely need any pain meds. Basically just in the mornings where I'm stiff and sore probably from staying in the same position too long while asleep.
Last weekend I over-extended myself at a Halloween party and got pretty sore and fatigued. This week has been all about rest, rest, rest. I'm supposed to walk daily but we got hit with the blizzard so when the roads cleared I went to the mall or stores a couple times for a few laps around. I'm trying to avoid sick people as much as I can so I've been big into hand sanitizer and Emergen-C.
As you may remember I was worried about a swollen lymph node and did have a bit of an allergic reaction to my surgical glue. The good news is the glue is peeling off so my redness and itchiness improves daily. Sadly I could not get to my doctor's appointment this week because of the snow and it being five hours away. Luckily the Mayfield Chiari Center has been really great about returning my calls when I have concerns! When I explained the snow was going to make getting to my appointment difficult they said to stay put and let me e-mail pictures of the incision. The verdict is that the incision looks like it is healing just fine and since it looks better than the picture I sent them last week the doctor says he feels certain the lymph node is unrelated. He would like me to go to my regular doctor and get checked just to be sure I'm not coming down with something. I have a history or chronic mono so I kind of feel certain that is the cause of the lymph node but I'm being cautious and seeing my PCP on Monday to be safe.
As for symptom improvement it is early in the game but so far I have had less headaches, less neck and shoulder pain, and some improvement in my crazy numb/tingly spots. No regrets on surgery so far!
My only real concern is that I am scheduled to go back to work the 12th and I'm just not sure I'm up to it. My main issue is fatigue. I'd say I need a minimum of two naps a day! I'm not real sure how to convince the doctor to give me a couple more weeks, especially since I am recovering so well. I guess I could just come out and ask but I'd hate for him to think I'm lazy and just don't want to work. I do want to return to work, I just want to be productive when I get there. I feel like if I go back at this level of exhaustion it's going to be just like before surgery. A struggle to make it through the day and no energy for life after work and I don't want that again!
Any suggestions???