I know I’ve been posting a lot but I don’t see my NS for 2 weeks and need answers. My left side leg, arm and face feel funny. Not numb or tingly… Maybe lazy. It bothers me and gives me high anxiety thinking ill wake up paralyzed. I had an MRI in July for the odd sensation, and there was no syrinx or obstruction of the Csf flow. It only started a few weeks after I took the depo shot, lasted a week, then went away up until a week ago. Can you develope a syrinx in just a few months?? I doubt you can and it seems unlikely but I need some reassurance.
Thanks! It feels like my left side is just weird. It’s freaking me out and I don’t know if it will cycle like my other symptoms or stay forever. Usually my symptoms cycle, I feel bad for a few weeks, the I feel really good for a while. Do a lot of us have cycle symptoms?
Unfortunately this will be my first appointment with my NS. I haven’t had the money to go until my sister offered to pay. I really need to be on antidepressants. I have constant high anxiety, tons of terrible panic attacks, sometimes I get depressed because I don’t feel good and need help with my kids. All I want is to be 100% of the mom my kids deserve. I have more, way more good days then bad, but those bad days really affect my mood and my parenting.
I had the worst time with my PCP she saw me have a panic attack and still wouldn’t give me anything. I had to get a prescription for klonopin at the ER. I’m thinking I need to change pcps