I need some help!

Lately my headaches have increased to excessive amounts. I always feel weak and so unstable. Also from the headaches when I go to eat I can’t eat because it’s so bad. I’ve contacted my doctor and he has me for another MRI on the the 6th and then I see the surgeon next week on the 12th. Can someone please give me some theories or ideas to deal with this pain? Thank you so much!

You are probably having Chiari Pressure Headaches. I get them daily. Do you feel like your head is being squeezed or a large boulder is setting on your head. These are different than migraines.

I’m so sorry about the pain you are going through. Like Abby, the only thing that helps me sleep as well. Go lay in a cool dark room and try to sleep. NyQuil came out with over the counter sleeping meds you may want to try if you need help falling asleep.

I’m currently trying this all but when I try to sleep I wake up from headaches in the middle of the night :(. I don’t know what to do because my doctors says it’s “normal”. And I will try those medicines! Thank you all so much!

Unfortunately the only thing that helps me is sleep too. I take Amitriptylin at bedtime, 75mg, It helps with sleep. You can also take them anytime you have pain, but they have a sleeping agent in them as well so don't take them if you have someplace to go. My doctor said I can take up to 3 a day to help with pain. If it is horrendous pain, then I will take the Vicodin too.

Hope that helps you at least sleep. If you haven't tried it, you should ask your doctor about it.

Be careful with Vicodin and other pain meds because some of them cause headaches as a side effect. I agree with ice and sleep. If you have tried pain meds, sleep, sleeping meds, ice and are still experiencing severe headaches, go to the ER. If nothing else, they can give you injection that will help the pain much faster than oral meds and they can give you a doseage high enough to help. Good luck, honey! We understand your pain, and I wish I had the answers. No one does.

The headaches are so awful! I can totally sympathize... I sleep a lot as well - 5mg melatonin for me. Noise doesn't exacerbate my headaches but light does, so I lay in the dark listening to people play video games on YouTube lol

good luck!
Katrina W.

I took the Amitriptylin as soon as I found out and I took 75mg of that then and it caused my headaches to get worse. And on the Vicodin they said they can’t give me that because they don’t prescribe narcotics to minors, which is completely understandable! They have me taking Topiramate 25mg tablets 4 times a day and Naratriptan tablets on the onset of my headaches. Which they help for like an hour then stop. You all have been so helpful and I will talk to my doctor about all these medicines and see what he says for sure! And I agree with you light makes mine worse to, mainly flashing lights. But noise has a big effect at times.