Headache help?

So, I had my appointment with Neurosurgery a couple of weeks ago. He ordered an MRI to get a better picture of what we're dealing with. (A sinus CT is what actually diagnosed my Chiari I of 5 mm.) The MRI is scheduled for May 5th, and I go back for the results on May 30th. Right now, that seems like forever away. In the meantime, the headaches are SO bad! I take Topamax as a preventive and have Maxalt for when migraines hit, but that doesn't help the Chiari headaches at the back of my head. What all do you take/do for yours? I'm looking for any relief possible. I'm appreciative of any and all suggestions.

Headaches can be tough to relieve with Chiari especially when they are neck aches. I still get those long after my surgery and over the counter meds don’t help at all. I have been prescribed Soma to help with the tension and to control my muscle tics but that didn’t help either. Hopefully you can find something that works for you or you don’t have continuing issues afterwards.

Hi, I was taking too much pain pills, so my NS did a RADIO THERAPY RHYZOTOMY which changed my life. No bad pain in need of any pills. No pain pills. They take you to theater, put you to sleep, then insert thin needle into nerve relaying pain message to brain, then stun the nerve. It will keep you pain free anything from 1 to 2 years or more. With me it is about 2 years. I then also use pill containing mirtazerpine to help balance brain preventing head aches. This is a winning combination. Your NS can phone my one, dr Wiebo v d Meulen on +27 11 8694552 (South Africa)

I don't have health insurance and am in the county health system. So, I have to take what I can get as far as appointments go. That also means I don't have the option to go somewhere else to get a 2nd opinion as I can't afford that. :(