How Do You Stay Postitive When Dealing With Increased Pain?

Hey Gang.....

Thought I would throw this out there to ya all. I am dealing with increased pain and finding it hard to stay up beat ...So I was thinking you guys may share your tips .

Thanks a bunch,


I can defintely emphatize with you, I have constant pain. I have bearable and unbearable moments. I take one moment at a time. If I am feeling good during that moment I try to take full advantage of it. Also, you have to learn your body and also listen to it. I still have a hard time listening from time to time because I am so stubborn lol. Pick and chose what you are going to do and when you are going to do instead of feeling like everything has to be done all at once. That helps me out tremendously! Learn to take help from your spouse and family. Pray for strength and encourage others. When you do that it makes you forget about yourself and focus on someone else, because no matter how bad it may seems, there is always someone who has it worse. I pray this help and I will be praying for you. Prayer changes things :-)


It's so hard sometimes. I had mine a few days ago. I cried alot. Took hot showers. Used my hotpack for my neck and just wallowed in it for awhile. (being honest) I didn't want to worry my family so I eventually reached out to you guys. It helped as soon as I wrote it down even though I felt a little embarassed with what others are going through. I usually try and take my mind off of it if I can. On the days it's bad I'm up to my neck in covers in bed with every manner of hot pack meds and massage devices. Other days spending time with my kids and husband helps. Walking in my garden helps.Laughing helps even though it hurts. Surfing the web and keeping my mind busy helps. (When I can concentrate) Coming on here helps.

It's so funny because alot of doctors and other people look at us like we are weak or hypercondriacs. It's just the opposite. We all have developed pretty high tolerances to pain and have to, because we deal with it one way or another every day. Besides who would want to deal with this if we didn't have to? Sometimes I don't know how I do it. I'm on autopilot. I've also found that taking Vit D Vit C Vit B12 Iron Promrose Oil and Magnesium helps me feel better. C,D,B12 and Magnesium help the pain and Iron B12 and Primrose Oil help my mood and energy. I also use Rescue Remedy that is a Bach Flower Essence and takes a little of the edge of my anxiety when my pain increases.

The worse thing I think we can do is suffer in silence. I have done it for years because I didn't know where to turn and I regret it so much. I like that quote from Oprah "When you know better you do better" The people on here being so strong and helpful are helping me to know better.

I am so sorry that your having a difficult day. You really helped me with your message the other day. I am so glad you posted this and reached out. It's a great idea for a discussion and it gives me the opportunity to thank you. I am sending you prayers and healing energy. I hope it passes quickly. We are all here for you.

{{{{{huggs}}}}} Wendy


My friend, my sister, my pillar of strength I am sorry to hear that the pain is increasing and I wish I had something to tell you how to deal with it. I don't and I am sorry, but know that I am here for you anytime. When my pain increases all I know how to do is literally crawl into a ball and do not move, no lights, no sounds, and at times I even go .without eating (I know bad).

I hope it gets better for you and soon. If I recall you are in this heatwave with a lot of us, please know you are not alone cause the heat is making a lot of worse. I think even Bill Z. pointed out the connection with the heat.

Take care and if I can do anything please let me know.



I just wanted to say Thank You! I have been having a few bad days as well. It really helped to read all of the above comments and yours really hit home for some reason. I hate suffering in silence, but it is hard to let others know how bad you really feel. I try very hard to lead a some what normal life. There are some days when my bed is the only comfort that I can find. I hope everyone is having a btter day today. The heat is my enemy, so I really think of my Chiari friends on these days. Hugs to all of thee above :)

wendyanne said:


It's so hard sometimes. I had mine a few days ago. I cried alot. Took hot showers. Used my hotpack for my neck and just wallowed in it for awhile. (being honest) I didn't want to worry my family so I eventually reached out to you guys. It helped as soon as I wrote it down even though I felt a little embarassed with what others are going through. I usually try and take my mind off of it if I can. On the days it's bad I'm up to my neck in covers in bed with every manner of hot pack meds and massage devices. Other days spending time with my kids and husband helps. Walking in my garden helps.Laughing helps even though it hurts. Surfing the web and keeping my mind busy helps. (When I can concentrate) Coming on here helps.

It's so funny because alot of doctors and other people look at us like we are weak or hypercondriacs. It's just the opposite. We all have developed pretty high tolerances to pain and have to, because we deal with it one way or another every day. Besides who would want to deal with this if we didn't have to? Sometimes I don't know how I do it. I'm on autopilot. I've also found that taking Vit D Vit C Vit B12 Iron Promrose Oil and Magnesium helps me feel better. C,D,B12 and Magnesium help the pain and Iron B12 and Primrose Oil help my mood and energy. I also use Rescue Remedy that is a Bach Flower Essence and takes a little of the edge of my anxiety when my pain increases.

The worse thing I think we can do is suffer in silence. I have done it for years because I didn't know where to turn and I regret it so much. I like that quote from Oprah "When you know better you do better" The people on here being so strong and helpful are helping me to know better.

I am so sorry that your having a difficult day. You really helped me with your message the other day. I am so glad you posted this and reached out. It's a great idea for a discussion and it gives me the opportunity to thank you. I am sending you prayers and healing energy. I hope it passes quickly. We are all here for you.

{{{{{huggs}}}}} Wendy

Hi Guys....

Thank you all for your input and sharing your experiences with me...I will print these out b/c I need to keep these are great...Once again, you all are here for me when I need a hand..What a great feeling..knowing that you guys are ALWAYS here and give of yourselves so freely.

God Bless you ALL!!


When you have Chronic Pain, we become hypersensitive to any additional pain. If you get a paper cut....It feels like your finger has been cut off. Our Pain receptors are constantly working, It becomes a vicious cycle. I am seeing a new Pain Mgmt Dr. My pain has exploded lately. Stress is definitely a killer. Maybe you also need your pain Meds adjusted. I know you are a strong woman Lori....Sometimes it's alright to say "I need help with this".

I hope to talk to you soon...It's been too long. I am still praying for you & your family,


Wow thanks everyone, this is really what I needed to read right now. I know I am not alone but reading this makes me know that there are people going to thru the same thing :)

On days when I'm in miserable pain I try to distract myself. If I can sleep I do. If not I try to read books on my kindle or watch funny things on TV. I really like to watch Arrested Development episodes on Netflix. They always cheer me up. If I'm up to it I try to go get coffee with a friend or something.

I always tried to hide my pain by smiling when at work. I worked at a prison and I worked the front entrance where everything and everyone entered and had to be checked. I worked 12hr shifted 3days a week alone, so I don't know if any of you have been to a prison before or if you have you know this arre can be overwhelming at times (mostly all the time). Anyway my co workers coul;d always tell when I was not feeling wel and in pain because my smile was not as bright as it usually be when I was feeling less pain. So it's hard on some days to deal with the pain but on my bad days I just wanted to be at home in my bed closed off in my room sleeping. I'm no longer working there anymore because it became a bit too much for me but by the grace of God he will maake a way for me. I hope that your pain gets better.