Need some advise concerning coping skills...

I am finding myself very short tempered lately and the people around me don't deserve to be the brunt... I having extreme difficulty concentrating and have a zero tolerance attitude :( I'm guessing that I am at the "anger stage" and would appreciate any help with ways to help while in the situation as well as on the long term...

Thank you so much. Really needed the reassurance that I’m not just going mad. I forget sometimes that its normal to be so off kilter in this situation. I just expect so much of myself… full time job, 2 teenagers and a home business… wish I could slow down a bit and just relax but the bills don’t stop coming in… I really like the last post as I relate to it very much. That alone has put me a bit more at ease. Head is pounding, I’ll check back later. Thank you again.

You will be in my prayers,it’s impossible to stay positive all the time when dealing with this illness.It is helpful,if your kids are old enough,to make sure they know you’re not upset with them as much as you are with your health.They can even be more understanding than we think,it’s surprising how much they may know.You sound like you have given them some information that suits their age level,you are a strong person and the children are lucky to have you as a Mom.I don’t know if I could be as strong as you, you are working to take care of those kids.Keep your head up.

My youngest has Chiari as well and my oldest has begun having migraines with aura… just a lot to deal with… today isn’t any better… yesterday my youngest was impossible to wake up and today I feel like my temples are pushing outward. I know this will pass I just need to be patient…

Pebbles, sometimes saying “I’m sorry” to someone going through a difficult time doesn’t quite seem enough. But when you hear from people who truly understand and truly are sorry for you pain and struggles, it means so much more. I understand making other people the brunt of your anger, anxiety or pain. It’s not intentional and it can’t be helped at times. Although you have a full plate and then some with a family and many responsibilities, your body does need a break. Remember to always take care of you in the mix as well…you may be superwoman to those around you, but you need to be kind to your body. This disease doesn’t take time out for us.

I’m so sorry to hear you have one child with chiari and possibly another. Please rest yourself in order to be there for all of you. And please don’t beat yourself up about lashing out once in awhile…it’s your bodies way of saying it’s needs a break.

We are all here for you!

Pebbles,so sorry for the hard times,this is bad to hear that your kids having to deal with this chiari thing.Just wish there was something I could say or do to help,do remember to lean on the people here who will try to support you.Hope things get better for you soon.I’ll be thinking of you often,and praying for better days ahead.

Pebbles,so sorry for the hard times,this is bad to hear that your kids having to deal with this chiari thing.Just wish there was something I could say or do to help,do remember to lean on the people here who will try to support you.Hope things get better for you soon.I’ll be thinking of you often,and praying for better days ahead.