My surgery went well last thursday in Co with Dr Oro, even got released Sunday morning I was surprised how quickly i felt better.
I was so stressed and hurting so bad the days before i could barely walk and had a fever of 101, really started to worry they would send me home, but a long nap and just watching tv with my husband calmed me down alot, and got me ready for the next morning.
Surgery started at 8:40 first cut at 9:22-ended at 12:38 husband got to see me at 2:30 -Long Day
My biggest problem after surgery was the pain meds. in the icu they were in the iv and made me hallucinate really bad and i would get very upset about stuff that was not there, including my mango i left in the fridge at home took a few nurses to calm me down i was so crazy, after a night in icu i was seeing the nurses as turning colors so they decided to unhook me from that med. they also decided i was low on csf so i was on several fluids to help with that. after getting put in a recovery room they had me on new pain meds which make me extremly sick so after a night of being sick and constant pain we convinved them just to give me tylenol- that day i was walking without a walker and could actually eat :) yay next day i was released by early morning - before my parents had woken up at the hotel!
Now i feel pretty good, glad to be home, i have a few circular cuts around my head from where they held my head in place - they are kinda annoying and itchy. my two incisions have gone down in swelling, my right ear is worse now constant pain since the plane flight home, i think i cried the whole way up i thought it would explode. I was told I have weak veins and its pretty obvious my wrists, hands and anywhere else the can stick an iv is bruised and a little swollen still, they had to move mine at least once a day :(
Im allowed to wash my hair with baby shampoo just not "scrub" the incisions so thats kinda nice,i smell good like a freshly washed baby, lol.
So now i am only taking two asprin twice a day, its so nice -weird though i feel like i should be in pain and laying around. I notice walking on hard surfaces for awhile starts a headache, and when Im cold it hurts to shiver. im alot more tired lately so i take a mid day nap and go to bed early but i dont mind that. even though i feel good im still gonna take it easy for awhile, and hopefully have a good check up in nov.
I saw a lady on my plane with a button that made me smile
"if i have another MRI I'll stick to the fridge"
Ill try and attach a picture of my 29 staples -
636-305490_522661156914_122300175_30475546_4540897_n.jpg (37.7 KB)