Forgetting to lift my foot

I read a recent post where someone said that they had trouble lifting their feet. Since before I was diagnosed with Chiari and SM, I have been experiencing a strange and troubling symptom. I am not sure if it is related to my condition or not. It had gotten a little better for a while after surgery, but it is back (and with vengence). When I am walking there are times that it seems I forget to lift my left foot. The tip of my toes end up dragging on the ground or I trip. It drives me insane. My NL never really answered me when I asked about this and my PCP doesn't have an answers either. I do have a ruptured disc in my Lumbar region, but she said that it wouldn't relate to that because I am not experiencing leg numbness etc. It drives me nuts!

Have you experienced this and if so, what has your DR related it to?


Yes I used to do this all the time, especially used to trip alot when I worked in a carpeted office. But this went away with surgery. Its about the brain not knowing where your feet are. Nerve compression and high intracranial pressure can cause imbalance issues like this.

YES!! This is what ended me up in hospital last weekend cause i tripped over my own left toes and kept falling and now have to use a walker (not happy at all about this). I had decompression in July but it is still happening. The NS suggested chances are it is cause of the syrinx's.

They did a MRI of lumbar and it's 100% (atleast one part of spine is), the syrinx's in thoracic is the same, no movement there and the disc's are still screwed up there and the same disc's are screwed up in the cervical. I had a flow study done on Thursday but have not seen the report


Wow, I have tripped, but thankfully have not fallen. I hope you get the results soon and remember to get a copy of the report for your own records!


Christy Mullen said:

YES!! This is what ended me up in hospital last weekend cause i tripped over my own left toes and kept falling and now have to use a walker (not happy at all about this). I had decompression in July but it is still happening. The NS suggested chances are it is cause of the syrinx's.

They did a MRI of lumbar and it's 100% (atleast one part of spine is), the syrinx's in thoracic is the same, no movement there and the disc's are still screwed up there and the same disc's are screwed up in the cervical. I had a flow study done on Thursday but have not seen the report

Oh i have a file going to take up to new dr's at the end of Sept. When I was in the hospital they said my strength in leg was great just could not feel anything in it thats why having issues with making sure toes are lifted.

I have that also, my right leg feels like a dead limb somedays. Talk with your primary about getting an AFO- amazing the difference. It helps lift the toes and ball of the foot so the trip hazard gets reduced. Using it has eased the dependence on the walker.

I believe when I went to the Chiari specialist she checked me for foot drop as part of her neuro exam. She had me sit on the table and then flicked my foot up at the toes. She looked at her assistant and nodded. I was still overwhelmed at that point and didn't ask. I drag my left foot quite a bit and have to use a stick when I leave the house.

I have trouble lifting my left foot as well. I have to drag it up over the edge of the bathtub when I take a shower because I can't lift it high enough. When I was at the NL's office he ran a sharp object over the bottom of my feet. My right toes curled up in defense - I couldn't even feel it on my left foot.

I don't have any answers. Just sympathy!

Katrina W.