Feeling a bit better

This morning I woke up feeling worse. Lying in bed I had pain into my hip and felt tingly down into my buttock but only on my right side. My right arm still sore, no change. I called my doctor before I even got out of bed. They took the message and said he would call this afternoon. I got up and took it easy all day. By this afternoon, I could hold up my hand and it wasn't shaking anymore. The pain in my hip isn't there anymore either. My shoulder still hurts, but overall, I seem to be improving. My arm still feels a bit shaky, but I can control it. My head still hurts and my neck still hurts quite a bit. I'm hoping by Monday I'll be feeling better so I can still go for my job interview. I really want to go back to work. This is for a part time job. I don't know. Time will tell. I'm still waiting to hear from my doctor. He should be calling soon. In reality I think I am really trying to play mind over matter today. I think I'm winning... for now.

Thanks for the support.

Love, Jenny

Mind over matter didn't work for very long. I talked to my neurosurgeon. He is calling the neurologist to get me in ASAP as the testing he will do will weigh heavily in my decision to go ahead with surgery. This is happening too fast in a way and has horrible timing. I wanted to have surgery in the first place so I could be done with it, recover then start my new nursing career. My neurosurgeon decided we should try to control with meds before jumping into surgery so I went along with him. It made sense at the time. Now I'm not doing well and just as I am about to get a job, I may need to have the surgery after all. This is so very frustrating. So the pain is always here and he wants me to make sure I take the hyrocodone 4x a day and continue the muscle relaxer 3x a day. He thought is was odd that the pain and pressure was only on one side of my head. It hurts on the top left and the back and side of my right. Strange feeling. After I got off the phone with him, my hand was shaking again. Nerves?? I took a hudrocodone when I got off too and I'm still hurting. Tomorrow I go to my prmary doctor for my heart. It's been happening alot this week wher my hear skips. I can feel it when it happens. Thansk for the support and prayers.

Love, Jenny