Hurting bad tonight

For some reason tonight the pain is bad and the meds are not working. What is there to do? My head feels like it is a pimple on a giants head and he is trying to pop it. I am already on a strong pain medication and don’t know what else to do.

The pain has let up a little. Thank you for checking on me. But I just wish there was a way to get some relief.

I have only been able to get 4 hours of sleep at a time. I’m feeling a little better. I will keep yall posted and thank you all.

Thank you for the prayers. The weather had just been chilly.


Praying for you - I just saw your post. I'm 10 days post op and this is how I feel now...I'm putting an ice pack on my head and using Tylenol, sleep, and lots of prayer! :-) I think mine is due in part to switching from the narcotics to regular OTC Tylenol.

God bless you and hope your recovery get better.

Hi , sos sorry about yournpain!! I’m also having so much pain… i’m write sometimes here but never nobody answer to mem im fromo uruguay so my english is not very well… here we are in summer now and the hot doesn’t help… i also have soo much symphtons thaat nobody understand and is really hard i fell really alone… my best wishes for you and everybody here!!! Agus

Thank you everyone for all the prayers and the responses. I went to the hospital tonight looking for help but after sitting in the waiting room for five hours I just came home. I’m to the point to where I just want to scream. I called my Dr today and they had not even worked on my referral to my neurosurgeon yet so I’m going to go sit in her office tomorrow and get that done. I can’t take it anymore.

I’m thinking about you! I’m in the same boat-symptoms are intense and I too am waiting for my primary care dr to complete the referral. It’s hard to have these sensations-pressure discomfort and more and just have to sit and wait. I’m gonna take your advice and go to my dr and sit and wait til it’s complete. I’m wishing you some comfort today…and strength for advocating for yourself. Keep us posted. Hoping for a productive day!

I got my referral :slight_smile: :slight_smile: now I just have to wait till Monday to call and set up my appointment with the neurosurgeon. They are closed due to the holiday. Today the pain has not been quite a bad but the bad news is me and my boyfriend broke up he said he don’t know how to handle everything that is going on with me. Wtf really I get good news only to have something else happen. But thank you everyone for all your support and prayers.