Chiropractor and fainting

Went to see a chiropractor on Thursday who said my cervical neck was completely out of line so he clicked it back into place, then yesterday evening I had the most horrendous pain at the back of my head and then I fainted! I actually thought I was going to die! I’m waiting to see a new NS after already having 3 surgeries as I have another cyst and no posterior flow and very little anterior flow. Could the chiropractor have distrusted something??? I feel dreadful .

Denise x


All NS's that are reputable in the Chiari world will say absoleutly no Manual Medical Interventions so will Osteopaths. There is a small Group of Chiropractors with advance training that treat C1, Atlas- Axis issues of Chiarians. Which I have agreed to research and be fair and I will.

I will tell you my personal experience with my last manual medical intervention for a Chiropractor with 50 years experience......I was in bed for a week praying to die. This was pre dx or surgery. Post surgery and emergency diagnosis my Osteopath won't even consider touching my total spine or neck and he is a very well known & respected Osteopath. My NS is the Godfather of Modern Neurosurgery and he said no Manual Medical Interventions ever.Plus other Chiropractor friends won't touch a Chiarian.

The new treatment Christopher Michlin DC BCA has contacted me about is not about "twisting it back in place."

I am still researching the actual modality and won't recommend or condemn.

Never let anyone twist your neck again and I would be raising hades wanting to know after 3 surgeries why he agreed and thought he could treat you without hurting you when all Chiari Medical Data from Respected Experienced Chiarian Medical community & Researchers goes against it? Professionals that have nothing to gain financially or for their cause.

Please see your NS and then follow his advise then consider weather you should take further action though professional accreditation, insurers or legal channels.

I am shocked. Anyone would touch you after 3 surgeries.

None of my doctors will permit chiropractic. Interestingly, however, my CHIROPRACTOR said he was glad to have had me as a patient, but in Chiari chiropractic is contraindicated so he could no longer treat me. So, I was thankful he aligned with the rest of the medical community although my lower back is in a MESS these days. :)

I used to go to a chiropractor before I knew I had Chiari with a syrinx. I noticed I was getting worse & didn't know why. Of course I quit going. My husband goes to a chiropractor that is also a medical doctor. He said he wished he could help me, but he knows to not adjust a patient with Chiari. He said it could make it worse.

I also used to use an inversion table to help my spine.
The neurosurgeon told me to not use it.

I pray you will receive some relief soon.

What was he thinking? Did he know you had 3 surgeries? I can not believe that he would treat someone in your condition. I have heard of people who see chiro's afterwards but not usually for adjustments of the neck. I hope you will be ok.

I think you got the right answers from everybody, but YES!!!! As much as I get different answers & opinions from every surgeon about chiari, one thing they all agree on is NO chiropractors, EVER. I also was going until I got my diagnosis & am thankful I never got mant adjustments. They knew to refuse more treatment when they knew I had chiari, & just helped to manage my pain with medicine while I am trying to plan my surgery. I am hoping you get better.

I ask my NS if I could get a lower back adjustment he told me to make sure he stayed below the shoulders.BeforeI knew I had chiari I had gone to a specialized upper cervical chiropractor,they do only the atlas and axis he did help me temperary but it never lasted long.I also have an inversion table and I haven’t dared to use it since the surgery,glad to get an opinion about that just hadn’t ask my NS.It seems that most agree that chiropractors are not a good idea,I’ve used them for years before my diagnosis.Hope you will soon feel better or go back to your doc.

Hi Denise,

I am sorry that you are having such a negative response with the Chiropractic care that you received. As with the other comments here I agree that you have to be very careful with Chiropractic adjustments to your cervical spine. I do provide a very special upper cervical adjustment that has been helpful for Chiarians. It is called Atlas Orthogonal and involves special x-ray examination including before and after pictures. The adjustment also uses a very specific percussive force to adjust the Atlas (C1) gently into position. There is absolutely NO TWISTING of the neck. While we regularly hit home runs with whiplash injury induced Chiari-like symptoms (the brain stem is pulled into the spinal canal by nature of the cervical acceleration/deceleration injury), Congenital Chiari can be more difficult. Further complications arise post surgically (scar tissue, etc.). I absolutely agree that conventional adjustments are contraindicated and even our adjustments may be as well. This comes down to a case by case basis. The other option for Chiarians is the use of Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT). Properly performed the pelvic blocking and cranial work can aid in allowing for increased flow of cerebrospinal fluid. SOT is big in the UK because the laws regarding x-ray are different there than in the US.

Whatever you do, research your Doctor of Chiropractic (as you would with all Doctors). Ask many questions and be comfortable with the care you receive. If you are comfortable or not getting the right results then look elsewhere.

I am so sorry Denise you are going through all of this!

I have to say, I was referred to a Chiropractor by my PT before I had surgery. I told him that all my Dr's said to stay away from my neck ! I asked him to use an Activator ( gentle Chiro ) due to other injuries also from a car accident and a failed surgery..

He started to snap and crack me even after I told him my history and Dr's concern... He then told me to turn over and was cradling my neck? I told him Not to crack my neck and was getting agitated, asking why he wasn't using the activator and before I knew it he started jerking my neck back and forth , I was pleading with him to stop and he mumbled " It just doesn't want to move" he tried 3 times before he gave up.. ( He was a big guy and I was scared if I fought him it would be even worse)

I was already in pain when I got to him but by that evening my pain went through the roof.. I had to have my son help me walk to the Bathroom door until I had something to hold onto because I was so light headed and my balance was so off. I was sweating bucket's of water and my heart was beating out of my chest , my vision was really bad, the pain was so bad I couldn't even eat..

I was also very scared and didn't know what was happening to me.. I had just been told my MRI showed Chiari and didn't know much about it yet! ( It took three yrs where I live to get diagnosed ) I was 4.4 at that point and once I went to the Surgeon's office ( about 1 month later ) had all the test's done it had dropped down to 7.8 !!

I am now 1 yr post op and have found a wonderful a medical Chiro/ Holistic Dr who uses an activator and gentle movement .. She has changed my life , I was in so much pain and barely left my house..( Even after decompression ) to having a garden , going to the pool for water exercise etc.. I am a single Mom and It hurt so much not being able to do much with my kids ,especially when the older kids came home to visit and I always had to stay behind!

I guess this is a lot to take in but just wanted you to know you're not alone

Also, for other's reading, before anyone tries Chiropractic make sure you talk or get references from other Patient's not Dr's and always go with you're gut if they're not listening to you or hesitate turn around and walk out!! That was MY biggest mistake .. :(

I hope you get some relief and feel better soon and like I said , I am very sorry you are going through al this..


Hi Beeba ,

Thanks for your reply..

I didn't mean to scare anyone ! I just wanted to share my story to make other's aware!

The PT I had been working with was in the same building and I think they were sending each other business ! This man didn't have my records , exray's or anything... he just asked a few question's and I voiced my concerns about the crank and yank method and he wasn't taking it serious..

I have learned so much during the past few years ( a lot of it the hard way ) because I trusted and didn't get references from actual patients , just other Dr's.

I am so grateful for sites like this , the people sharing their stories, illnesses and Dr's !! This is where I found My NS Surgeon and he was a life saver... Have a Wonderful Holiday weekend :)