Chiari Surgery Tomorrow

I am having decompression surgery tomorrow and the nerves just hit me last night. Does anyone have any tips for after surgery and for the ride home (I have a 3 hour ride home) that I should know?

Thank you! I will see if I can get my husband to post on updates.

Sending lots of love and hugs, hope it all goes well x c x

Best wishes tomorrow! Nerves are normal. Beeba’s tips are great. As for the ride home I advise getting a neck pillow, making sure to stay on top of your meds, and stop every two hours or so to stretch and walk a bit.

Kisha, best of luck. My advice is to just give in to the process- try to go with flow and be relaxed as you are being taken care of and rest and heal.


Good Luck, will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

I hope surgery went well. Check in with us when you can :slight_smile:

Prayers everything went well. Thinking of you.