Baby girl having surgery next Tuesday morning

My daughter is 2.5 years old and she is having decompression surgery on the 25th of this month. I am super nervous. Can anyone give me any info on how she will be afterwards, pain wise? They said she should be in hospital 3-5 days and pain should last at most 2 days. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated to calm my nerves. Thanks!

I feel for you! I have Chiari myself and often wonder if my son has it too. I just wanted to say "welcome." You have come to the right place for information and support. Good luck! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Your family will be in my prayers. I’m sure it’s different for a small child but I had surgery in 9/20 and it was not near as bad as I had anticipated. I have been told that children are usually better patients than us adults.



I will be thinking of you! I am new to the site and just recently diagnosed with Chiari. My 4 year old son has been having "bizarre" symptoms for about a year now and they are ALL on the Chiari symptoms list. I am afraid we will be headed down this road with him too, As a mom, I totally feel for you. Please keep us updated on how everything goes. I personally cannot give you pointers on the surgery, as I am as new to this as you are I think!! But I will lend my love and support to you through your process, from one scared mom to another!

Hugs and love,


We made it through surgery very well. She is doing good. We stayed in hospital for 6 days. She had upset stomach almost every day. Her neck is still pretty sore but she wants to get up and go. She walks with her back arched back so trying to teach her its okay to relax her body so she can walk alone. She is just scared of the pain I think. She is such a huge fighter when it comes to the pain meds we have to give her. But I know time will heal her and she will be back to her normal active self hopefully soon!