Cardiologist appt

I have a cardiologist appt this week...I've been having palpitations on an off for about a month. I'm due to start work next week, and thought I'd better get this checked out first. My PCP kind of blew this off saying my EKG was fine....Since when are palpitations normal?

So how should I go about this appt? My POTS symptoms really improved after surgery. Sometimes I still feel wired in the morning, but no more greying out periods since surgery. I don't want to go in sounding like I've talked myself into having POTS without him seeing me...The palpitations are something new to me, and it;s usually when I'm sitting...not standing. But most of my POTS symptoms happened when I was sitting. The only one I get when I stand is if I've squatted down for a few minutes then got up. Then I'm very lightheaded...

Any advice or opinions would be very welcomed. =)


Glad you are having this checked out...Nothing to fool with. I do not have personal experience with POTS..but I would think it is a good idea to bring a detailed list with you to the when the palpitations started, the frequency and durations as well as the time of day they occur.

Hopefully members who have personal experience with POTS will post here and give you better input!

Please let me know how you are doing and how you make out at the appt.