POTS - adrenaline

Does anyone have pots but not the kind where your Bp drops - orthostatic kind. But the adrenaline surge kind? What kind of dr treats? What tests were done to prove? Or is this just one of those I know how I feel and you all are just going to have to trust me? It had been suggested to me by a good source - I always discounted because my pressure is really high and doesn’t drop. But thanks to the suggestion I have researched and I do think this is what I have. Just not the normal kind but the adrenaline kind. They have slowed my heart rate - which is great because the tachycardia was making me just exhausted and having heart pain. But I know am just racing in the rest of my body. Good news is all the projects I couldn’t get done for two years have been taken care of in 4 days. I will take this feeling over extreme exhaustion but I mostly want normal energy with normal downtime. It feels like I am on 40 mg of prednisone 24/7. Anyone know anything about this or can give me tips to make it better.