A question for the ladies

I’m new-please forgive me if this is not an appropriate question. It seems my symptoms are extremely more intense and debilitating before my period. Specifically, more intense dizziness, muscle weakness, pressure in head and neck, ringing in ears, nausea and lightheaded. I have to return to work tomorrow and I’m scared. Have any ladies found some things that help during this time? Thanks in advance.

Nikki, check other Nykkis post about this- you may something similar going on…

Funny you should say that Nikki.. yes...

Jcdemar where can I find nykkis post? I’m new and don’t see a search function. Nykki, so our name may not be the only thing we have in common?

100% yes! My symptoms worsen the week before my period!



I don't know yet what I have...a radiologist diagnosed Chiari 1 with a syrinx and some other cystic lesion. Neurosurgeon disagreed with Chiari and I haven't heard from primary doc about a referral elsewhere.

But I can tell you my headaches are horrid before my period. And lately throughout. It was about a one-month headache last time (so headache forever?). Started in back of head, teeth, eyes, then spasms in my upper back. I also have some hypermobility (no EDS diagnosis at this point either) and notice about a week before my period I need to wear knee braces to walk and be a little careful with how I'm using my arms because they feel like marionette arms...really like my shoulders are connected to my body by a string. This is very likely a response to hormone change. I also have some autonomic stuff. Your temp should drop when you get your period (or right before?), but a couple times mine dropped to 96. 95 is hypothermia, so I stayed at a friends how closer to ER in case I needed to go in. I end up with pain all over my upper body and no way to feel comfortable. Headache more at the beginning, back ache at the end, but they meet together for a few days and it's hell.

After surgery I seemed to have worse issues and headaches around that time. I found taking Pamprin or Midol helped. Over time this has lessened to where I actually don't need to take anything right now.

Nikki, I have found that my headaches and lightheadedness are more intense before my time of the month.