you are normal misallen, and not crazy, lol
i use to think myself crazy until i had mris done,
well had physic, her back hurt as soon as she walked onto my property, she couldnt stop wriggling with the pain, she knew then that i had a back issue, lol
what i think its the most interesting thing she said was, her head kept being tipped back, they keep pushing her head back, and on the back of my brain she was getting drip drip, she didnt know what that meant, but also said i have limited time (6months) and by the time the specialists figure it out if would be too late, my mmemory would be gone and never to be returned, could stress enough on the small time frame, its important to do something now, or i will never be well, she reccommended a naturalpath,
i saw him yesterday, he picked up autoimmune, and put me on a cocktail of herbal drugs, 30 tablets in total a day, as a start and slowly reduce it down,
i believe in spirits and spiritual stuff, thats was my up bringing, she told me that god isnt finished with me yet and need to get well so i can do what she does, (ive always been able to hear them speak to me when im around people)
so i wasnt surprised at that.
naturalpaths scare me, but i have nothing to lose so decided to try it, i took my first dose lastnight, and an hr later i was really bad, i could walk straight and see straight it was strange, so i researched on the drugs he gave me, and didnt like to of them, so i refuse to take them, but there was one drug that i loved reading about it, and it might help others on here, its called GRAVIOLA, its a chinese herb,
anyway just interesting to try something new, the docs arent helping, i want to feel better.