Is it a case by case basis? Some can do it, some can't?
I never liked to fly because of how it made my head feel, and now I know why. Will that change 3 months after surgery? My friend wants me to fly with her to California in August. I have to admit it's somewhere I've always wanted to see, and would need a vacation after all this.
Before surgery flying was a nightmare. It would take me 2 or 3 days to recover. After decompression it was so much better. I would be tired but not in agony with a headache. Wendy
My daughter felt sooo sick flying in the 2 years leading up to her diagnosis…now we know why! She never had a problem before that. Hopefully she will feel much better now.
I flew before and after my surgery no problems here!! I also scuba dive with no problem! but let it storm outside and my head feels like it could explode!!!