Vision Disturbances

Hi. I just wanted to kind of get a poll about the types of vision disturbances you all have. I always see research about vision disturbances, but then it doesn't really go into what those disturbances are.

I know it may not all be Chiari causing it, but for me I have the following:

Double vision on peripheral

I see sparkles a lot, sometimes black dots, sometimes flashes.

The bottom half of my vision will be like looking through water, or static sometimes. This happens frequently

Sometimes the edges of actual objects, or patterns, will vibrate.

Sometimes it is like my vision is delayed. Especially when walking. Its like I'll move my eyes to look slightly in a different direction and my vision seems to lag behind my command to look somewhere else. I really don't know how to explain that.

Then of course I get blurry vision often. All of the symptoms are worse with a headache.

When I was pregnant with my daughter there were times when I actually went for 45-60 minutes without being able to see. It was like everything in the center of my vision had one of those big blobs they put over peoples faces on the news when they want to keep the identity hidden. That was so scary.

I get blurry vision off and on, black dots, bright flashes of light that look like a star. I have had a portion of my vision blacked out for a time, but not often. I have had vision that blinks in and out, in rhythm with my pulse. And last, I have experienced a sort of outline/ negative impression of what I was looking at a moment ago, overlayed over what I am currently looking at. Only lasts a few seconds.