So for the past week I started with a new problem its never last like this is what I mean. From back of my head to lower back all I feel is pressure that just wont go away. No matter how I lay I can't get comfortable and can't sleep. I felt so bad last night its like nothing I could do would stop the pressure. My doctors only want to push pain meds and honestly I'm tired of taking medications. My last mri said the cm was only 5.8 "that's not very bad," says the doc. Well that was a increase from my first mri 3 months before that from what my neuro says but claims problems don't occur till it herniates more. Wish they would tell the problems that cause its not stopping them from coming on. If I cry from pain there comes the migraine better yet if I cry at all laugh too much or play too long there goes a migraine. My feet and hands get the random pins and needles feelings in morning or if I have to go on a car ride nerves been checked no problems they have ran every test I can think of at me but only thing that shows up is the 5.8 herniation. Why wont they believe me on it has to be that, that's causing the pressure, the pain, the random pins n needles? Why is it lets try this med and that med. We don't want to try to help we just want to medicate you. I have kids I'm 22 I don't like living on meds my whole life and just refuse to do it anymore 6 years is enough of the meds. Its time these doctors start learning we not lying when we tell them something. My favorite line my old doc told my friend migraines don't move around they stay located in one area. HA wish he could borrow my head for just 5 hrs he wouldn't be able to handle the way it wraps around. and pressure/pain goes down the spine to my lower back. Ugh where do these doctors in this town get there degrees.
Have they tried Muscle relaxers? I find they work the best for me over pain medication. I can tolerate the pain, the discomfort of that though is awful. My PCP prescribed them for me after I suggested it. It was worth a shot. She and I are on the samepage that medicine isn't always the answer. I am very suseptable to medication so I avoid it if I can. Aleve is my best friend most days.
As soon as I read 'From back of my head to lower back all I feel is pressure' I knew I had to comment! I have a 6mm so we are pretty much the same and my main symptom is crippling back pain from the highest to the very lowest point of my spine. Meds have never touched the pain for me so I know how you feel, the only thing I could recommend until the docs pull their socks up is HEAT. A nice bath or heat pad is the only thing that has ever helped and as for sleep and the crying/laughing, I'm in the same boat as you! You'll have to keep us updated on what happens as I feel the same that my docs wont do anything because its 'just 6mm' Hope all goes well and you feel a bit better
I have had a cine MRI that is the one they found out that my herniation has dropped further. They claim I have a normal CSF Flow but that my herniation is both tonsils and brain-stem. Claim decompression surgery is a 50/50. 50 percent I come out fine 50 percent dead/paralyzed, my thing is I see on here people come out with minimal probs and some fine. I think doctors in my area are not fully capable in knowledge to help.
Emily I have tried the warm baths with the relaxing beads it sometimes helps lately not so much. I tried to get my friend to pop my back for me cause I've heard that helps a lot. He tried 5 diffrent ways today and nothing he couldn't pop my back no matter how hard he tried. He claims he could feel the pressure in my back and that it like stiffened and locked my back making it impossible to pop. Every time he tried I could feel the pressure build in the spot, it was a weird pain/pressure above lower back at spine, then the last time he tried it sent a run of extra pain. So advice don't do the pop back method .
I know its bad to say this but I'm glad I'm not alone in the boat cause its a shaky boat and sometimes it scares me. With these symptoms, I try to make sure the last time I see someone its on a good note because with this mess it scares me on when is the day my doctor is right on "With symptomatic CM 6^ the major problems can begin such as paralyzing, and/or coma" says my doctor. Is this true and how rare is it?
I would try to find a different NS. I've never heard statistics saying 50% of decompression surgeries end in death or paralysis! In fact most statistics show that around 80% of people experience some relief of symptoms. The remaining have no relief and a very small percent feel worse. Your doctors sound VERY uninformed!
Yeh thats what I was thinking. Figured he wasn't informed good on it.
I know that feeling of helplessness the reg Drs. and NSs just don’t get it,if I sound a little pd off I am! I have read and know from 27.yrs. of hell myself the only thing I can recommend is please get a specialist.If you don’t then you probably will not get any help,you are going down the same road I’ve been down.It really makes me so mad that the NSs are so stuck on a large herniation that’s ridiculous,
just not true my MRI did’nt look so bad but my symptoms were awful and life altering.If only those Drs. Could walk in our shoes they’d change their minds the suffering I 've been through and so many more are still enduring is a shame.If only there was something we as patients could do,just find a specialist is the only answer and that is so hard for so many people who don’t have the means to do so.