
I am truly thankful that I have found this site and group. Everyone here is so supportive and amazing! I am also thankful that my family is behind me, I have an excellent PCP who immediately sent me to a NS. is where the venting comes in...No one except my immediate supervisor at work knows what I'm going through. I know they wouldn't truly understand, and I don't want to be looked at or treated differently. I work with a guy who has acid reflux for some time now, and they just found a hiatal hernia. While I feel bad for him...I have a really hard time listening to him complain CONSTANTLY about it, and then eat a giant hot dog covered in spicy mustard and then go home and drink a 12 pack of beer, and then complain again all day the next day and eat like crap and drink a ton and do it all over again. I just keep quiet and go about my work (as best as I can some days). I WISH all I had to do was change my diet to relieve my symptoms! Ok...thanks for listening, I'm done. ;-)

Hi Sunshine....

Thank you for your vent....I know what you is so irritating when others maon and groan about things they can change!! Your hot dog and beer example made me laugh....I can relate...I got caught rolling my eyes once at a person like that and it was not good!! ha, ha

I am glad you are here..hope you are feeling ok.


The story about your co-worker made me smile, thanks for sharing. Just keep taking good care of yourself, which it sounds like you already do. :) Hang in there!