I think I might be biting of more than I can chew but I think it is worth a try. After doing some research and some phone calls I think I am going to try to work with a local hospital to form a support group for CM. They are to call /email me back on Monday. I know I am not the only one in my area who has CM.
All I know at this time is there would be a rep from the hospital's education department. The last time I went to a support group was when my wife miscarried for the third time. I couldn't get into the group for a variety of reasons and it left me feeling "cold and bitter". So I would like to ask the following:
Has anyone done this before? Any tips or advice? I read in some discussions humor is a good way to deal with CM at times and I know I do use a great deal of humor daily to try to keep from getting to down. What do you think would keep it moving for the group if it goes through? I don't know, I am open for any suggestion even not to do it (but would need some logical points to back it up).
I love it here, so I am not going anywhere but by nature (and schooling) I am a teacher and I love the face to face interaction as well. you guys and gals are also so great, some of you in the short time I have been here have helped me deal with quite a few things. Some of you just by reading your discussions, others by befriending me and offer tips and advice. The best thing about this group is that everyone is willing to share without being judgmental and so supportive.
Let me know what you guys and gals think.