Total exhaustion 4+ months post surgery

Hi. I had my decompression surgery 12-7-12. My symptoms and pains are really 99% gone unless I overdo it at the gym or something. I am more than happy from the results.

I went back to work 6 weeks after the surgery, office job. Since then I've had trouble working the 40 hours even, let alone what I used to work. The problem is that it's getting harder, not easier. I am exhausted past exhaustion. I could just lay in bed and sleep all weekend.

I've been going to the gym, eating right and losing weight since February. I feel like my stamina should increase, not decrease. I'm worried I went back to work too soon and even though physically I am so fortunate to feel better that my internal body isn't ready.

Has anyone experienced this total meltdown exhaustion so far past post surgery?

Hi, my surgery was Jan 2013. I too have severe exhaustion. I’m back at work but have data where I can’t focus as I’m am so tired. I have 3 kids and have minimal energy left for them. Hope it gets better!

I’m 6 months out,60yrs.old, and retired I was a nail tech for 15 yrs. even though I had the chiari for 27 yrs. I pushed through the pain for those yrs.but as I got older I could no longer work.The fatigue after surgery is still pretty bad if I try to do too much I’m learning that even though things are so much better that if I try to do work that is too demanding or symptoms return.I feel that things will get better after a while, my NS told me that it will take a year before all the changes will be realized.I hope with time that our symptoms will subside.

Hi, I'm about 8 months post decompression. I recently tried doing some computer work for about 3 weeks and even that was very difficult. I started the first week by going to the office every day and ended up working from home because I was so exhausted and in pain. I've read some stories that say it can take up to 2 years to feel ok, and that's assuming that the surgery was enough or correct. There is something I can't stress enough to everybody and that's NO LIFTING! I weigh about 120 pounds and I lifted a 50 pound box up a flight of stairs. I had no problem doing it at the time but afterwards I felt like I was in a coma for at least a week. Lately I seem to be getting the most benefit from walking almost every day but even this can be too much. So my conclusion is that LIGHT exercise is the way to go. I also regularly massage my neck and shoulders and try to be aware of my posture as much as possible. If you are at the computer a lot, you have to relax your shoulders and do not slouch. Much love to you all <3 Stay positive :)

I’ve read everyone’s comments and am a bit concerned. I started physical therapy two weeks ago and went back to my part time retail job. I still don’t have the confidence to go back to my desk job. But since going back to work the headaches have started, dizziness and exhaustion is intense. I only do 3-4hrs per shift bur I feel like I work 10 hr shifts. How do I know if this is Chiari or something else. I have many of the symptoms associated with dysautonomia but in many ways scared to find out.

I can totally relate to this. My surgery was January 25 and I’m having trouble with feeling exhausted too. I went back to work this week (I’m an RN) and only worked a 4 hour shift and I was completely exhausted and my neck was killing me. I had to spend most of the evening in bed as well as take one of my stronger pain pills. It was awful. I have another 4 hour shift on Friday and I’m dreading it because I know how I will feel after. What’s worse is that I have no idea when it will get better for me. My surgeon says that it will just take time. I still have a “brain fog” feeling a lot too. I call it my “Crani brain”. :slight_smile: All any of us can do is take it one day at a time and listen to our bodies!

I'm 6 mos. post op and my energy had gotten better, not great, but a lot better. Then I got the flu last month. Now I stay exhausted. This past weekend we went to a two day concert and I feel like it could take weeks to get my energy back.