Today is surgery day!

We've been bumped back by 1 1/2 hours for surgery due to another patient needing in before us but today is the day. Originally we were told to be there at 6:00 am with surgery at 8:00 am. Yesterday they called to say be there at 7:30 am so I'm guessing surgery will be at 9:30 am. We are in the Pacific Northwest so times are PST.

I will post updates for surgery/PICU here. I will be posting from either my cell phone or my tablet and I apologize now for errors in spelling, grammar, etc.

When she is moved to the regular floor I will post a blog (s) titled Day 1, Day 2, etc. Until we are home.

Praying for your family, Abby, and the Doctors. I am sure she will rock this surgery!!!


Just checking in to see if there is any are all in thought and prayer.

Abbey went from surgery right to PICU, never went to the recovery room

Dr. Morris said he found what he was expecting to when he opened her up. Abbey tolerated surgery well and there was very little blood loss. She is only awake to say her head hurts, that she is on fire, or she is snoring.

Sorry this is so short but I am on a tablet

Heart rate up to 160, BP is 167/134!! Skin is really hot to the touch, right leg is painful to touch (Nurse lifted her leg to move the foley and Abbey screamed like they were cutting her leg off), throwing up :(

Upped meds.

Still throwing up, still has foley, increased her pain meds again. Now getting 6 mg IV morphine and torodal. Just a few minutes ago complianed of head pain for the first time since right after surgery. Before now it was a different part of her body.

Abbey is not running a fever but she is hot. They have her room down to 65, I'm freezing but Abbey seems comfortable with only a hospital gown and a sheet!

The last two times she has thrown up it has been blood and it is getting progressively darker.

I brought a blanket from home! Plus I'm using one of their sheets and blankets.

Mandy said:

Ah, poor Abbey, I hope this part gets better soon :(

Can they bring you a blanket?

Thanks for the offer but I'm doing ok. It's kinda like having a newborn. Sleep when she does wake when she does. She seems to be throwing up every two hours.

Mandy said:

Thank you for the update, how are you holding up? You're only about 20 minutes away, can I bring you anything? It's a blessing Abbey won't remember much of this, but it's terribly hard on you, I'm sure :( Keeping you guys in my prayers.

I hate that Abbey is so sick! Praying this phase will pass soon for her. A lot of people have a really hard time with anesthesia. Keep us posted!

They swithched her to reglan (mp?). She is still throwing up every two hours but not blood. She still has the foley but output is better. Heart rate is down to 112 except when she throws up. She is still really hot. Meanwhile I am pretty sure I have icycles hanging off me, her room is cold, per her request! The blood she was throwing up was pink. They believe it was coming from her throat/stomache being irritated from the constant throwing up.

She threw up all night again. I think the morphine is making her hot.

Not sure what antibiotic she is getting. Feeling hot happens right after she is given morphine, so I thi k its that.

JennRN said:

Is she on Vancomycin (antibiotic) by any chance? It can cause something called red man's syndrome. Typically it is a short term reaction immediately after and/or during the dose, but I thought I would throw it out there. I got it immediately before my decompression. I have never felt so hot before in my life (and now it is listed as an allergy, so hopefully I never will again)!

Prayers for a quieter day!

I pray that healing takes place.

Abbey did so much better yesterday. Her nurse is amazing. OT and PT saw Abbey, she had her foley removed, sat up in a chair twice for 30 minutes each time, walked 300 feet, and did not throw up once! She is eating shakes, puddings, ice cream, crackers, etc. Last night the night nurse continued what the day nurse did (proactive about PRN pain meds) and Abbey continues to remain vomit free! Today's plan is to contine to walk around, remove head bandage, increase oral medicine/fluids, and remain puke free ;)

We noticed this morning her face is less swollen

I am hoping all is went well,keep in touch.Prayers are going up.