
Does anyone have a tattoo dedicated to their Chiari or is anyone thinking of getting one? I've been tossing the idea around now for a while & i haven't had an luck figuring out what I want! I'm thinking the purple zipper ribbon on my foot or under my scar or the word strength somewhere! I haven't a pics if you have em :)

I’ve been thinking about a zipper under my scar, or a purple ribbon butterfly… I saw one online and it was beautiful!

Hi… I have one on my forearm. It’s my cover photo. Check it out ! :slight_smile: p.s. the dates are the dates of my brain surgeries…

Juda…what are the dates?

I too am planninf on getting a purple ribbon tattoo:)

Those are the dates of each one of my brain surgeries. Yeah, I’ve had 3 so far. They’ve actually discussed a 4th one but I told them they’re crazy!

I have a purple zipper tattooed right over my scar from my decompression. I'm thinking of getting a purple support ribbon on the inside of my wrist. I also have syringomyelia (blue) , EDS (zebra) and hydrocephalus (green and blue) so I may do something with those as well.
