Surgery next week

Well, my surgery is next Friday. I am more than a little anxious. I keep having these ideas that maybe I'll be fine without it. I feel like a real wimp right now. How on earth do people go to the hospital and then actually go to the OR? I keep thinking that when i get there Im gonna go running and jump out the window like the cowardly lion when he had to face the wizard. Sheesh!!

Thanks Beeba! I don’t know what we would all do without your pep talks around here. Breaking it down may help. <3

I just went down that road on Tuesday. I was afraid, overwhelmed and ready to bolt, but the nurses and doctors calmed those fears to remove the anxiety ultimately leading me to countdown. Thanks be to God for my family’s love and support. They were all there as if it were a family reunion. It will be fine, you will be fine…I wish you well Donna

Thanks New2chiari, I will have all of my kids, sister and a couple of friends there too. Family support does help. I'm glad you're doing well after your surgery. : )

Thanks Emmaline! :)