I'm so scared!

I have surgery scheduled in 3 weeks. I’m terrified!!! The last week has been great other than my heart monitor going off, mild headaches, and some “sleepy” limbs, I have been feeling great!!! I now am questioning surgery. Words of encourament are welcome right about now because I know I need it but the recovery is weighing heavy on me right now!

Hi Krissy,

I know what you are going through. My surgery is this upcoming Monday. I'm a nurse, but I'm still scared...i mean it's surgery. But I'm very hopeful and positive that I will feel better afterwards, especially after hearing other people's stories here. Be encouraged!!

Nikki, I will be thinking of you Monday! Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone! Beeba, I am so happy to hear your doing so well, it gives me hope!!!

NurseNikki said:

Hi Krissy,

I know what you are going through. My surgery is this upcoming Monday. I’m a nurse, but I’m still scared…i mean it’s surgery. But I’m very hopeful and positive that I will feel better afterwards, especially after hearing other people’s stories here. Be encouraged!!