It's getting REAL now......
Hubby phoned the surgeon yesterday to confirm & get details regarding my surgery yesterday!!! YES. We got details......Now time to get truly SCARED!!!
We have NO Family close to where we live & we have a 13 yr. old & a 10 yr. old that we need to make sure they get to school & picked up.

So much to think about.....
If YOU have had the CHIARI operation......I have questions!!
** How long should I expect to be in the hospital?
** How long were you "OUT of IT" after the surgery in the recovering room?
** Do you have any...."Wish you would have brought from home items:" while in the hospital?
** Is there anything unusual I should suspect?
** How long did it take to recover at home for you?
** Has ANYONE had Dr. Trumble preform your surgery?

*** I truly know that EVERYONE is different & EVERY situation is different....BUT I am allowed to be nervous & ask questions....Correct?!

Thanxs for your time. Prayers Please!!

Lg, there should be nothing you miss having with you after surgery. Hopefully you will be sleeping!maybe a hand squeeze from hubby and a toothbrush in case you have the pukes. Please just know you will be out of it and tired. Make your goal to relax into the process and sleep as much as possible. The only time you should rouse up is if you are feeling pain or actually hungry. Oh…biotene is nice for the dry mouth…I had a vicious cycle of drinking water so I could talk but then throwing up.

I was off work for 2.5 months the first time then 3 months the second. Know ahead of time your timeline may be different and is subject to change. If you are not ready when you thought you were simple make a call and extend your leave. Don’t fret. Your kids are old enough not to hurt themselves so they will be just fine. Your job is to not worry and relax. Let your family pay you back a little for all your taking care and hard work.

Jenn :slight_smile: