Surgery Date Set

My surgery will be Nov 4th with Dr. Bejjani in Pittsburgh.

I am at 85%-95% success rate (relief of symptoms) if I remember his #'s correctly.

3-6 weeks recovery time: 1-2 days hospital stay.

I hope it works!

I have fibromyalgia and migraines, IBS and TMJ.

I keep having surgeries.


I had a hysterectomy, carpal tunnel on both hands and bunionectomy with a big toe (1st MPJ) joint fusion due to no cartilage in both feet!

The only thing left to dig into is my head!


I am trying to be funny cuz even though I am actually looking forward to getting potential relief I am also a bit nervous cuz it's head surgery and cuz I was told the 1st 1-3 days are going to be bad.

Optimistic though.


I’m so glad for you! Your comment about them having nothing else to dig into but your head made me laugh! So your normal for being nervous, it is a brain surgery. My immediate post op experience wasn’t bad at all, though. My pain level was very low. I was in the 'spital for 5 days and asleep for 99% of it. I was nauseated and had some vomiting for a couple of days but the actual pain was almost undetectable. I know you didn’t ask for any advice here but I’m gonna throw some out there: make sure your bowels are working before you start eating normal food again- you don’t want a fecal impaction! Also, be prepared to be very tired for months after, try to go with the flow of what your body tells you and just relax into the recovery process- some people (definately me) get a lot of anxiety and depression during this time. I’m am very hopeful for your successful outcome!

Thank you so much! I didn't expect it to be so quick! I could have had the surgery done next Wed but I LIVE for my Halloween/Fall and I would rather wait. I am glad to know people on here are so kind and supportive. I will be here lots I think! I will heed your advice about the BM's being good before surgery: had that with my hysterectomy. Sheesh! I never appreciated going to the bathroom nore than when I COULDN'T! Lol I will try very hard to not be anxious and relax and get better after surgery. After all there is Thanksgiving and Christmas time to look forward too!

jcdemar said:


I'm so glad for you! Your comment about them having nothing else to dig into but your head made me laugh! So your normal for being nervous, it is a brain surgery. My immediate post op experience wasn't bad at all, though. My pain level was very low. I was in the 'spital for 5 days and asleep for 99% of it. I was nauseated and had some vomiting for a couple of days but the actual pain was almost undetectable. I know you didn't ask for any advice here but I'm gonna throw some out there: make sure your bowels are working before you start eating normal food again- you don't want a fecal impaction! Also, be prepared to be very tired for months after, try to go with the flow of what your body tells you and just relax into the recovery process- some people (definately me) get a lot of anxiety and depression during this time. I'm am very hopeful for your successful outcome!

No, I have not been checked for it but I was wondering if I needed to be?

I don't seem to have any symptoms of it. What symptoms do you have?

And what relationship does it have to Chiari?

I know nothing about Ehlers Danlos except what the internet says (not always a great source!).

My Dr. did not mention it.


Let me know when you get a chance please. :-)

Abby said:

Have they checked you for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome? I have a lot of the same issues as you do. You really should be checked before your surgery.

Happy for you and know your doctor is a good one. You sound like my reaction to learning I had chiari. I was just glad to know it had a name and I was not abnormal! Wait a minute, having chiari is a rare thing. But, anyway know what you mean.

Thank you so much! I will call tomorrow. :-)

I was wondering if there is a test for this?

I cannot find anything that says there is.

How is it diagnosed?

I have had lots of stitches and I have no problem healing at all.

Also, my skin does not stretch although I do have a lot of the other symptoms: ankles pop out of place and have fibromyalgia and the pain that goes with that. I will call tomorrow and ask for sure! I have an appt with the Ear Nose and Throat Dr. on Monday (my PCP referred me there) cuz of the lump in my throat. I am responding well to the Prilosec so far and I really think that it may be reflux but I dunno for sure. I will see what he says.

Abby said:

TMJ severe, both sides

Flat feet

knee cap pops out of place

bleeding after surgery/cuts more than normal

stitches pull out of tissue


varicose veins


degenetive disc disease cervical

ankles dislocate

Tennis elbow

hip, back, neck, shoulder pain

tested 7 out of 9 on the beighton evaluation

Restless Leg syndrome

severe growing pains as a child

velvet skin

scars are wide and paper thin

wrist pain

eye pain/ear pain/vision problems/

neck pops and cracks

reflexed odointoid

endometriosis and heavy periods

POTS or dysatuonomia

bunions and skin growth (non cancer)

joint and muscle pain

respiratory infections and a lot more

The reason it is so important to have this test done, is some of the complaints you listed. TMJ, carpal tunnel, bunions, joint fusion in both feet, and probably you had severe cramping and endometriosis.

Patients with EDS, need to be treated special while having major surgery. We tend to bleed more, stitches pull out of the tissues, so we need to have tape, glue, and very small stitches. You will have to read up on it and please get someone to send you for evaluation.

here are more of the symptoms

Symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

The severity of EDS symptoms varies from mild to very severe and debilitating. Symptoms depend on the specific type of EDS.

The most common symptoms of EDS include:

  • Loose, unstable joints that are prone to:
    • Swelling
    • Sprains
    • Dislocations
    • Hyperextension
    • Arthritis
    • Flat Foot
    • Deformities of the thoracic spine, such as Scoliosis(curvature of the spine) and kyphosis (a thoracic hump)

    © 2009 Nucleus Medical Media, Inc.

  • Soft, fragile skin that stretches far too easily; as a result:
    • Skin is prone to bruise easily
    • Minor injuries can result in gaping wounds
    • Wounds heal slowly and poorly
    • Suturing skin is difficult because skin tends to tear
    • Skin scars easily from wounds or stretching
    • Fleshy outgrowths may form on top of scars
    • Calcified nodules may form under the skin
    • The risk for surgical complications is greater due to deep tissue fragility

Other symptoms of EDS may include:

  • Eye problems, such as:
    • Nearsightedness and Farsightedness (common in adults with EDS)
    • Epicanthic fold-vertical fold of skin on either side of the nose, sometimes covering the inner corner of the eye (common in children with EDS)
    • Fragile sclera, which forms the white outer coat of the eyeball
    • Perforation of the globe of the eye (rare)
  • Lung problems due to lose of normal elastic tissue
  • Chronic musculoskeletal pain
  • Weak blood vessels, which can lead to Aortic Aneurysm and spontaneous rupture of large blood vessels
  • Problems with blood clotting, leading to easy bruising and bleeding
  • Mitral Valve Prolapse (a heart valve problem)
  • Susceptibility to gum bleeding and diseases
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as:
    • Hernias
    • Diverticulitis
    • Perforation or bleeding along the gastrointestinal tract

    © 2009 Nucleus Medical Media, Inc.

  • Pregnancy-related problems, such as:
    • Premature birth
    • Early rupture of membranes
    • Bleeding during pregnancy and excessive bleeding during or after childbirth
    • Uterine rupture
    • Higher complications from procedures such as episiotomy and Cesarean section

I forgot to say a huge THANK YOU to you guys for taking the time to respond in such detail!

You are so sweet to care about a stranger!


Well, I have not got enough symptoms to warrant any testing: I heal extremely well after surgery ( I have had a fibroid removed w/ a c-section type incision: 2 carpal tunnel release surgeries: 2 bunionectomies w/bone fusion: 1 hardware removal (from the bone fusion it was bothering me) 1 hysterectomy and my tonsils removed.

All surgeries went very well w/no bleeding issues and no problems with scarring.

My skin doesn't stretch and my joints don't dislocate.

I do have: TMJ, Migraines, Reflux, Fibromyalgia, IBS and Chiari and congenital Osteoarthritis that was present only in both my feet and a tiny bit in my lower back that was really quite normal cuz I fell in the snow once and hurt my back and the hernia I got from that healed on it's own). I also have a little bit of bursitis from time to time in my hip because of how I walk (w/ 2 fused big toe joints you walk differently and I can't afford my orthotic just a few more months I will get it).

I have had MRI's of my hips, lower back, my head 2x's and my neck 1x.

I have had EEG's, EKG's, Ultrasounds and a complete Bone Scan(which is where they found the tiny arthritis in my back). So...I think all shall be well. I never get infections from surgery and I never bleed or bruise much at all in fact. They always tell me I am a "perfect" healer and say it's probably cuz I don't smoke or drink.

The only thing I DO have that I don't know about is this damn lump in my throat. I hope on Monday the ENT Dr. can figure it out. I am tired of feeling like I have to burp and can't/ being strangled by a phantom thumb on the right side of my throat! Lol

My guess is I have Silent Reflux and/or the Chiari but I will let the DR figure it out. :-)

I have been doing my ’ catching up’ reading here since I have been absent for so long…this discussion is truly amazing…wealth of knowledge here…
Thank you so much Abby for all your hard work in sharing much info…
This subject will help a lot of folks here, I am sure…Ophelia…I am so happy you are here and posting your topics of concern and interest…that is what makes this site so great…all our members!!!
Oh, how I have missed this place …you all!!!