Dose anyone else suffer with a speach problem.I will talk and be at loss for words or start talking and forget what Im saying.My voice changes pitch and starts sounding like someone is choking me or that Im straining..t actually hurts to talk.My ? Are there any other people expieriancing this. When you have a decompression.Do you get your normal functions back.
I have forgotten what I’m talking about mid-sentence! People look at me like I’m crazy. I also struggle to find the right words…this happens a lot! It is VERY frustrating. I use to be really smart, but now I feel like a moron. I haven’t had Decompression surgery yet…I really hope it helps with this. I’m curious to hear from people who’ve had the surgery.
YES! I find myself saying the sentence but when it comes out all the words are mixed up and several are slurred together. I also have frequent memory loss, when I am speaking I lose my thoughts and just in general everything is hard to hold on to. The doctors have said that memory loss and speech problems are common.... It gets really frustrating and embarrassing sometimes because people think I'm dumb. I wish I could control when it happens.
Yes I can relate.I used to be smart too.I want to scream but I cant.Ugh!!I was scared about the decompression operation I'm haveing.But Im scared If I dont.I don't like where this is going.The last year has been the worst yet.The NS finally agreed that it was time even though my MRI didnt show much of a change.
Yup, I too am having speech problems...sometimes I'm slurry or stuttering, other times I call things the wrong name, I called the tv the couch the other day LOL. It does get quite frustrating. I'm in the process of getting a proper diagnosis, after a CT in the ER for a head injury. I talk outloud in a courtroom full of people as a function of work and find it quite embarassing when the wrong thing comes out of my mouth, keeps everyone on their toes though! Hope today is a good one for you. Not so much for me today....daily headache and dizzy....wish I could just make it all better...and have to find ways to cope for now. Prayer and faith...that's it for me.
hi twana
i do not have the exact issues you have in the speech deptartment
but i do have trouble with loosing track of words/mwaning to say one thing and another word comes out
it has gotten better since decompression which was done in 08
my pitch never changed like your
this crazy chiari/everyone seems to experience things differently which does make sense when i really think about it
sorry i was not of any real help to you
i hope your week end is starting off ok\it is 30 degrees here/burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I've always had a hard time talking to people I do not know because I have a really time finding words at times. Being a college student makes it is embarrassing when you have to give speeches. I have to write everything down to be able to do it and my professors actually dock me points for it, barely passed Oral Comp.
My parents make it really hard for me so rarely see them unless I have to. I just sit there most of the time so they have goes on me constantly. I never knew why i had trouble talking so now even more confused and do not know how to fix it
Thank you for your input.I know I not alone.I even get sooo frusterated and have to stop give it a minute then by then my tone is so high I sound like I'm yelling.Lets just say I have been keeping my mouth shut these day.I dont answer the phone and I'm not out much anymore.Ty agin for your input.I'm finding its all give or take here.LOL And you take what you can get.Try to have a great weekend
Big Red (since 2 Chris's :) ) said:
I've always had a hard time talking to people I do not know because I have a really time finding words at times. Being a college student makes it is embarrassing when you have to give speeches. I have to write everything down to be able to do it and my professors actually dock me points for it, barely passed Oral Comp.
My parents make it really hard for me so rarely see them unless I have to. I just sit there most of the time so they have goes on me constantly. I never knew why i had trouble talking so now even more confused and do not know how to fix it
I have problems with forgetting what I wanted to say or having the wrong words come out. Before decompression surgery, I had changes in my voice. It hurt to talk and especially yell. I would whisper sometimes as if it would take the pressure off the back of my throat. I had surgery this past December. My symptoms initally got better, then came back a few weeks after it. I am now almost 5 months post op and I am starting to have pressure in my throat again and loosing my voice. The surgery, as I have been reminded, is a treatment not a cure. My symptoms wax and wain. There is a percentage of surgeries that have made symptoms better for some. I think I read that is a 50% chance. It is very frustrating.
I love the following..."I take what I can get." That is the honest truth right there!
Twana said:
Thank you for your input.I know I not alone.I even get sooo frusterated and have to stop give it a minute then by then my tone is so high I sound like I'm yelling.Lets just say I have been keeping my mouth shut these day.I dont answer the phone and I'm not out much anymore.Ty agin for your input.I'm finding its all give or take here.LOL And you take what you can get.Try to have a great weekend
Big Red (since 2 Chris's :) ) said:I've always had a hard time talking to people I do not know because I have a really time finding words at times. Being a college student makes it is embarrassing when you have to give speeches. I have to write everything down to be able to do it and my professors actually dock me points for it, barely passed Oral Comp.
My parents make it really hard for me so rarely see them unless I have to. I just sit there most of the time so they have goes on me constantly. I never knew why i had trouble talking so now even more confused and do not know how to fix it
You know. When I first posted this.It was all coming and going.It is permanately there now.I'm loseing my verbal abilities fast.Evry day is just geting worse.This is so strange.I can look back at how small this was when I didnt know what it was. I am more freaked out about all the findings they found. I was born with a Chiari1 malformation. I had a major head operation when I was 18. I have had soo many brain scans cat scans ganial scans. And never was there a mention to my having this condition.+ If you have Granulated /scar tissue showing up. You better look it up. Because if that is showing up in your MRI its bad. And you have Arachnoiditis. That is scar tissue and it makes you sick. It has all these symptoms + 100s of others.Its sooo hard for me to trust Drs
see this is why this site is so important,almost all of the things i see on here i can relate to,and until this site it scared me i had no idea what was going on and feared the worst.yes that happens to me all the time and a few times ive broken down crying out of frustration, and some times even the simplest words i forget how to spell even though i majored in english....but im going in for surgery on the 7th and the way i see im just getting worse so surgery is my effort to fight back.....
My whole life I have forgotten what I was talking about in the middle of a sentence. Then I confuse people because later on it will suddenly come back to me and then I will just blurt out the rest of the story!
I don't notice changes in my pitch but I do remember years ago I had class with a girl who told me my voice was so annoying because it would get real high and then real low. She's the only person who ever mentioned it so I think she was just talking.
I do get really exhausted from talking and my throat will feel strange.
Good luck on your surgery. I pray it is a success,I am waiting on approvals for mine. I havent got a date yet.After today. I never want to go to town alone,You know. I cant belive I have to live with this, Its crazy. Its a leap of faith.I pray it works
wolfcry said:
see this is why this site is so important,almost all of the things i see on here i can relate to,and until this site it scared me i had no idea what was going on and feared the worst.yes that happens to me all the time and a few times ive broken down crying out of frustration, and some times even the simplest words i forget how to spell even though i majored in english....but im going in for surgery on the 7th and the way i see im just getting worse so surgery is my effort to fight back.....
Speech/loss of words and memory issues are such a mess especially for me being a pastor! I used to takes notes with me to preach just to keep me focused and incase I need to get back on track. Now I need them just them just to function!!
The memory issues keep me in trouble when I call people by the wrong name when I should know better.
Yea I went to the museum today. I have to use a hoveround to get around.When I starte3d talking imediately my speech slurred and I messed up. They were watching me. Well I started going in and out doors intill I was turned around.This happens often also.Yours sounds like mine.Well that Its effecting the same part of the brain.Im sorry I feel deeply for you.I see a little hope were there was none with the surgery. Wont it be nice if it were a success. Even a 80%
Raine said:
YES! I find myself saying the sentence but when it comes out all the words are mixed up and several are slurred together. I also have frequent memory loss, when I am speaking I lose my thoughts and just in general everything is hard to hold on to. The doctors have said that memory loss and speech problems are common.... It gets really frustrating and embarrassing sometimes because people think I'm dumb. I wish I could control when it happens.
I've experienced the losing my thought as well as I start stuttering for no reason. My surgery isn't until June so I'm hoping that after that I can regain some control over my speech.