I’m a soon to be mommy. I was diagnosed with type 1 chiari with syrinx. February 14.2014. I was scheduled for decompression surgery April 1, 2014…3 days before surgery I found out I was pregnant. NS post poned surgery till after I deliver my baby. I’m due Nov. 28th. Anyone been pregnant before decompression surgery? What kind of labor natural birth or c-Section? I’m very curious. Did it make symptoms worse? I have 3 months to go.
Many of us, like myself, did not know we had Chiari when we were pregnant and therefore had our babies prior decompression surgery. You may want to ask your doctor and epidurals, since I’ve read this might cause the Chiari to worsen. Your doctor will be able to make a pain medication determination that is best for you. Best of luck to you and congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby.
I was diagnosed earlier this year. I had a son vaginally about four years ago and had an epidural. Not only did the epidural only work on one side of my body, but it triggered all of my symptoms to begin. I would be cautious with an epidural. But, I am not a doctor, so take it with a grain of salt :)
I literally started experiencing pain when bending over and pressure in my head/dizziness the day after giving birth and it never went away.
Larissa, congratulations. You can type “pregnancy” into the search bar at the top of the discussions page, this will bring up all of the past discussions about this.
Thank you all. I was told by my NS I’d probably have to get a c-section. I meet with the anastesiaolgist on the 22nd. I’ll be sure to find out if epidural will or won’t be an option. So I’ll have more information then. But thank you again (: