Pregnancy and chiari before decompression

hi all well three days ago i got a big surprise i found out im 6wks pregnant...... my question is has anyone out there had a pregnancy before they have had the decompression surgery???? this is my first time ever getting pregnant and it came as a big shock, as i was told when i was twenty that i couldn't have children im thirty now. my partner is very very concerned that the pregnancy will make me very sick with my chiari. I was planning on having the decompression this year now im undeciced in both decisions.. I dont know what to do. I always wanted too have a child eventualy this has just happened as such a surprise... so on the risk factor any advice would be much appreciated. I also have a big fear that i will pass my chiari on to the baby, Im scared and sad and happy and scared, health wise i do know i need the decompression as the pain in my head is bad bad on most days...please help me with true advice thanks xxoo

I have to say... I had my son jan 8th 2011 and I think its gentic to your baby. I havent been checked for it but, i think maybe i should. but, your baby may need special needs but, i still love mine to death.. its hard to have him deal with it. So, you know its worth it though to see my baby smile every day.