I am so grateful for the support and information I get on here but sometimes just reading these stories really scare me. I didn't even know I had this problem until last month and now it seems like my whole life revolves around it. Should I go through with the surgery like my NS & family keep encouraging me to or wait and see? Am I going to get better,worse, or not change at all? It is all so overwhelming. I am afraid to do it and afraid not to. I think I'm just rambling now.
Hi Becky,
No one can make that decision for you. When asked this question, I tell everyone my situation. I was diagnosed too late and almost became a quadripledgic. My surgeries was 16 hours & I will always be in Chronic Pain. My nerves were stretched open for 16 hours. I wish I had known I was so sick. If I had had surgery sooner my life would be much better now.
Tracy z.
hey becki
gotta tell ya/ you are 100% normal in thinking the way you are
however i must tell you that though the surgery is a treatment and not a cure all/// many have veery good results
i for one would do it again
go to wwwconquerchiari org and there are personal stories there as well that may help put you more at peace with your decision
let me know if i can answer any questions from my own experience/ i had mine done in 08
take care\
I hear you Becki. I've been doing the "wait and see" approach for 4 years. Still can't make up my mind. Hang in there, keep collecting and sorting through information the best you can. Your gut will eventually tell you what is right.
The surgery scares me. Even though I want my symptoms to go away, I am terrified of having to have this surgery over and over again. Of course, although I am in pain, forgetting, tripping over my feet I can still deal with my symptoms. As long as my doctor says it is safe to hold off I think that is what I will do. All that being said you do have to make your own informed decision.