Ringing of the ears

just wondering if I am the only one.

a lot of days I have a like swishing sound in my ears, and some days it feels as if there is a lot of pressure in my ears and it would be great if they would just pop. the swishing sound is not constant it is mainly when bending over or having a bm but at other times it is just at random time for no apparent reason.

just wondering if any one else has this or something similar to it?

thank you Dave.

I have absolutely had my ears do that.

I have had it nearly my entire life, ever since I can remember. Once I was diagnosed with Chiari and I saw that ear issues were one of the symptoms I started asking my mom if it was normal and was informed apparently not everyone feels like they are hearing through a cup all the time, and the random ringing, and the swooshing sound, and the feeling of needing to pop....who knew.

Since I had my decompression surgery, I have not had the ear stuff hardly at all. It has been absolutely amazing to me.

On the other hand, apparently all this had been going on long enough and the feeling of listening through a cup or something had happened long enough that I am having issues with noise levels now. I feel like everyone is yelling all the time, but apparently they are talking at a normal level....

So, short answer, yes, I have had those symptoms...they suck.

One of my major symptoms. I get high pitched ringing that makes me stop in my tracks and hold my ear. Hoping to have this stop after surgery

Jen, that is how the ringing was with me as well. I have only had 1 time since surgery for it to do that, and it was not near as bad as before.