Hi everyone,had my dura repair on weds,has anyone else had this surgery? having pain in my head when I stand up?! anyone know the reasons why? feels very much like a painful valsaver manuever,thanks
Denise x
Hi everyone,had my dura repair on weds,has anyone else had this surgery? having pain in my head when I stand up?! anyone know the reasons why? feels very much like a painful valsaver manuever,thanks
Denise x
Hi Denise! I was thinking of you :). Definitely check with the NS about your symptoms. So glad your pseudo is gone
Hi susan,
thank u so much for your message,cant tell u how much it has eased my mind! so pettrified it hadnt worked.headaches not as bad,having got that constant throb in my head.Its just on standing and everytime I move my head,like my brain is being squashed but its very painful! reminds me of that feeling u get with the chiari cough feeling only its more painful.Cant thank u enough for message,Im only 5 days post op.Just need to give it more time,have signed me off work for 6 weeks.Did you find any meds thats helped? Im on dihdrocodeine and indometacin.
Denise xxx
Susan J said:
Hi Denise, I was thinking about you too. I had that same surgery. I had the same problems with the pain for about 4-5 months following the repair. It went away until I hit my head and my psuedomeningeocle returned ( even though it is small). I was told that it takes awhile for the nerves to "calm" down because of the repeated trauma of surgery. They have had continue pressure on them from your psuedo, now they are having to readjust to the new normal. Hope you start to feel better soon. Is your headache gone? I noticed a definite difference in my my headache afterward. I worried about this pain too. I was told to just monitor that I didn't have a fever or the position headaches again.
Hi Christine,
so sorry to hear u are suffering so bad! I had my psuedo for 11mths and it was awful,even worse than the chiari! and thats saying something.Had a dura graft repair,were they put a graft over the dura to stop in leaking.My NS left my dura open and thats when the psuedo developed.Have they offered to repair yours? are u suffering from low pressure headaches? mine were awful.Since the op last week,headaches arnt as bad but just have this painful spasm on standing and moving my head,very much life the chiari cough symptom but more painful.Just hope and pray it gets better.The repair surgery wasnt as bad as the decompression and I didnt get chemical meningitis this time so thats helped.I had to fight with my NS for nearly a year,they dont come across psuedos often in fact only 1% of chiari patients will develop after one after surgery,trust us to be that 1%! so unfair.so I honestly dont think Christine they know what to do with us.Let meknow how u get on
Denise x
Christine said:
Hi Denise. 5 days post op? Get off your computer and lay down! I too have a psuedo. Had my first surgery Aug. 2011. Knew right away something was wrong. I've had no real relief since the surgery. My head always hurts and the surgery site is so tender. It's as if someone has pulled my hair really hard. I know there's alot of pressure on the brainstem. I need a suboccipital craniectomy as well. First one wasn't enough. I'm very unhappy and scared to death to do this painful, horrible surgery again. That was the worst pain in my life and I'm pretty tough. You say you had a graft? Is that the same as a duraplasty?
Hope you feel better everyday :)