Cervical pseudomeningcele

Is this a rare complication? had mine for 8mths now! causing horrendous positional headaches and poor balance.Has anyone else suffered this complication? and how was it treated? have already had 1 failed blood patch.My NS left the dura open during surgery,could that have caused it? would appreciate your views and advice,seeing NS next friday,I dont think he believes that Im symptomatic of the pseudo,which is really frustrating! help guys

Denise x

Thank u for your message and support x

Denise, I hope you have some very vocal support with you when you see this NS. If he left the dura open, the result is likely a pseudo. It sounds like he's not responding to you at all, 8mo is unbelievable. If you cannot get to another NS or come to the US to see a specialist then please have your family there to make sure hes responding immediately and appropriately to this. I wish I could go there with you, I'd have his head. Take care, praying for you.

Hi Adria,thank u for your message,it made me giggle.I really wish you could come with me.I hope and pray he does the dura graft repair,cant see any other way forward.The postural headaches are becoming unbearable! took them 8mths to do a blood patch,which didnt work at all.just feel so let down by the NS.Ive been reading up on it and I cant understand why he thought the blood patch would of worked?! the spine mri didnt show any holes and the leak is coming from the brain dura not the spinal one?! woud make sense if the dura is open and there is a pseudo then that would be where the leak is! Is it true that pseudo,s can cause infection,inflammation,meningitis and brain slumping? I have an awful dragging feeling at the back of my head when I stand up and would swear its my brain slumping down.How are u adria? hope your doing well.

Denise x

adria said:

Denise, I hope you have some very vocal support with you when you see this NS. If he left the dura open, the result is likely a pseudo. It sounds like he's not responding to you at all, 8mo is unbelievable. If you cannot get to another NS or come to the US to see a specialist then please have your family there to make sure hes responding immediately and appropriately to this. I wish I could go there with you, I'd have his head. Take care, praying for you.

Can’t believe you are still suffering with this for over 8 months! Praying that the NS has the wisdom to do the repair so you can move on with your life. Please keep us posted! JoAnne x

Thanks Joanne,how are you? xx

Joalexa said:

Can't believe you are still suffering with this for over 8 months! Praying that the NS has the wisdom to do the repair so you can move on with your life. Please keep us posted! JoAnne x

DD is doing much better but I’m still a nervous wreck. She wants to do 15 year old stuff and I want her with me at all times to keep an eye on her. Obviously that is NOT permitted so I try not to be too anxious when she’s not home :/.

Must be so hard Jo for you.My daughter is 15 too and I worry,she hasnt been diagnosed with chiari but she is showing all the signs and horrible symptoms,especially when she laughs,coughs and stands up.So glad she is doing much better,

Denise xx