I was wondering if anyone else experienced this, Over the last 2 weeks atleast once a day I will have the sensation that someone is pouring a bucket of hot water on my right leg from the knee down to my toe. I know that is a wierd description but the best I can come up with. It only lasts a minute and happens about1-3 times a day. It is strange to me because most of my symtoms are on my left side. Has anyone had anything like this happen? Is it even realated to Chiari? Should I be concerned? I don't see my neurologist for anther month. Thanks.
Most of my issues are one sided as well. That being said...I have never experienced what you described...to me, my 3 cents..could certainly be from Chiari..but also could be a disk issue in your back.
have you had a full spine MRI recently???
sorry can't be of any real help....hopefully others will chime in that have had the same feeling you are having.
Keep us updated!
I have had a sensation very similar to this. Mine was from my hip to my knees. I had my decompression surgery in December and have only had it a few times since then. Most of my Chiari symptoms are left sided, but the symptoms that affect my legs are on both sides. Have you seen a NS yet?
It does sound like you are having problems with you lower thoracic spine. You may want to call your NL & see if you can get your appt moved up. I have neurpathic pain on my right hip down to my knee.
I hope you feel better,
I have seen a NS but he does not want to do surgeryy. He does not feel the risks outway the benifits yet. I laugh he is not living in my body. Oh well he is the expert. Thanks for the reply.
nicolee said:
I have had a sensation very similar to this. Mine was from my hip to my knees. I had my decompression surgery in December and have only had it a few times since then. Most of my Chiari symptoms are left sided, but the symptoms that affect my legs are on both sides. Have you seen a NS yet?
I have a syrinx up at the top of my spine, but this area you think sounds lower. They have never done a full MRI of my spine they are always looking at my skull and syrinx up top. Thank you for the advise I think I will ask for a full look at my spine. It just makes sense to me with Chiari patients and all of our symtoms the should just once do a full scan. Thanks again. Tiffany
TracyZ said:
It does sound like you are having problems with you lower thoracic spine. You may want to call your NL & see if you can get your appt moved up. I have neurpathic pain on my right hip down to my knee.
I hope you feel better,