Pregnancy with Chiari and other health conditions

Hi everyone, I wanted to know if anyone has advice on chiari and pregnancy. Since I had been diagnosed with chiari and my other conditions I kinda gave up hope on the idea of having children. The thought of never having children is getting harder as we get older. Last year when I went to see a OBGYN about his input on pregnancy the conditions I have. As we sat there, he mentioned the word fatal about 5 times regarding the things that can happen with EDS, POTS and Chiari during pregnancy and labor to the baby and I. Has anyone had a healthy pregnancy already knowing they had chiari? I think of it from time to time and its painful to think about but I always wonder in the back of my mind if its worth the high risks and if I should take that leap.

When I was prgnant with my daughter I had a migraine everyday. I even had to have a MRI. This was in 1993. She was born breach but totally healthy. I have also become pregnant & miscarried twice. The last time I was 5 months pregnant. My OBGYN has told me it would be too hard on my body to carry a baby to term. I am 43 years old now & had Victoria when I was 25 yrs old and not yet diagnosed with CM. Even though when I look back I was definitely having CM symptoms. This is just my experience. This is a very major decision to make. I believe God doesn't make mistakes. If you become pregnant. I believe it was meant to be. There is also an awful lot of children that need good homes. I have a feeling you will be a wondrful parent weather it is biologically yours or adopted and born of your heart....

Hi Tracy!

Thankyou so much for sharing your story about pregnancy, I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulties through pregnancy. Every bit helps in a choice I wish I didn't have to think about. Its a hard topic to deal with on top of the Chiari but you are right I know I will make a good parent and will some day and feel in my heart what the right choice is <3

My NS told me exactly what were told…chances of me and baby only given 10% of surviving a pregnancy. I’ve known since I was a teenager that I probably couldn’t bear children due to gyn problems . My NS and GYN both told me to make sure I took every precaution to make sure I didn’t get pregnant. They said even though chances of actually becoming pregnant were slim to none that I should get a hysterectomy or DepProvera to be sure I 100% could not get pregnant. We are in the process of adopting right now! I’m sure everyone has a slightly different story depending on the severity of their Chiari. Get a second opinion to put your mind at ease.
Good luck! I know its scary and tough to hear!
XOXO Monique

Hi Monique, Thanks for sharing your experience! Im in a similar boat as well with the GYN issues on top of everything else. We have looked into adoption as well as foster care this past year. Good luck on your adoption!! :)

When I got pregnant with my daugther I did not know I had CM. I had some symptoms but just played them off. I had a natural delivery. My daughter was a healthy baby when she was born. The only thing she had was gi reflux. I would have to say looking back when I was pregnant with her I never really had headaches. I also have become pregnant and miscarried 7 times. Miscarriages had nothing to due with CM. I did take the DepProvera for three years. When I came off it because my husband and I wanted to try and have a baby. I had a lot of issue because of taking the DepProvera. I still have issue to this day because of taking the DepProvera. Needless to stay do not see a baby in are future because of taking it. I agree a second opinion would not hurt. I would advised going to a fertility specialist to see what they say. They specialize in more than just fertility. That is who I had to go to for my issue due to a simple gyn did not how to deal with them,I did not go for fertility issues. Good luck!


Monique, I had two babies having Chiari even though i wasn't diagnosed until my 2nd child was 2 1/2. I had natural childbirth with no epedural for both. Something in me told me I didn't want the needle in my spin. Some women have problems with the epidural making the herniation worse. I had "normal" pregnancies even though my chiari was full blown especially with the second child. I actually regret that Chiari prevented me from considering having another child because of having surgery and getting too old to consider having one after I recovered which took along time because it was in 2001. Having children is an amazing gift and no one can make that decission but you. Many women have children against incredible odds. Having kids has given me a focus and a purpose beyond myself to consider and that's a very good thing. It's difficult but sooo worth it. I would get a second, third and fourth opinion. Doctors are human and they bring all their prejudices and life experiences to the table on top of their medical training. Good luck and I hope you are blessed with a child.

Hi Wendyanne,
I appreciate your post and support. I actually have known since I was 15years old that it looked like I could have fertility issues as an adult. I have seen many gyn specialists over my lifetime…along wiith rheumatologists, endocrinologists, NS, NL, gastrointerologists and urologists! Unfortunately Chiari isn’t my only medical condition (obviously LOL). All of my docs were more concerned with that one in a million chance of me conceiving due to all my health issues. I’ve always known I would adopt. Hopefully this year we will get our babies. We are trying to adopt 2 children at once. We are not getting any younger, so we decided to double up! :o)
Thanks! Monique

You are in my prayers....If you want it as bad as you obviously do I know it will happen.

Soheyy, I had 2 miscarriages before I knew I had CM. Neither of which were related to CM. I also had my son before I was diagnosed. I was having multiple rather severe symptoms while I was pregnant and developed new ones while pregnant. I had a rather difficult pregnancy, but none of it was CM related, I had placenta previa, which is what caused my second miscarriage, and gestational diabetes. And due to the diabetes they did schedule to induce early, that is standard procedure for a pregnant women with diabetes of any kind. But my son wasn't ready to come, so after 24 hours of trying to induce we went for a c-section. They couldn't get the epidural to take, they said it was b/c of the weight I had put on with the pregnancy, but now I think it had something to do with the CM and the fact that I am certain I have a tethered cord. I won't say go for it. But I will say, that if I knew now what I knew then, I would still have gone for it. I couldn't imagine not having my son in my life.

Thank you to everyone for the all of the advice! After getting a few more opinions and talking with my husband, we decided to wait for now due to me having multiple medical conditions and the high risks. We are in the process of become parents a alternative way instead and very excited!! :slight_smile:
We hope to make it to the conference in July but not sure of we can make it yet. Anyone else going??

I have a beautiful set of triplets that are 7. I knew before I even started trying that I had CM. I also have polycystic ovaries which required reproductive therapy. The Dr I saw required a neurologist do a full workup before I could proceed. I was told that I should not have any problems with carrying or delivery. I had my first IUI in August and got pregnant, after 3 years on Clomed. My triplets were born at 28 weeks and 5 days. They are now happy and health and I was just fine. I was required to have a C-Section with the triplets so I did not have to deliver natural. I wish you the best of luck!!!