Pregnancy and Chiari

Does anyone have any information on being pregnant with Chiari?


My story is very much like Beeba's. I had 2 kids before I knew I had Chiari and had great pregnancies in my 30's. I delivered both through natural childbirth. For some reason I had a severe fear of a needle in my spine. After I was diagnosed I was so glad I didn't because like Abby said it can make Chiari worse. If a doctor knows they can avoid it. I wouldn't know what I would do with out my kids. They help me focus on something other than myself and my Chiari and they make me endlessly happy. Except now they are teenagers LOL


I had my daughter before i was diagnosed. but i was chronically ill ever since giving birth. I had an epidural (which didnt work) i pushed for an hour and then had to have a c section with a spinal block due to the epidural not working.
i asked my NS about future pregnancies. he said "if you have symptoms of chiari during pregnancy than i need to have another section… but if my val salvas etc are fine during pregnancy, then he wouldnt have a problem with me trying for a vaginal birth"
To be honest… everybody is different… and every pregnancy is different. so i think its a decision between you/your partner and your doctors. depending on your individual circumstances :slight_smile:

Good luck!xxx

I had two kids after having surgery for my Chiari. I was able to have them both at home with a midwife, so no drugs or interventions. One was 7 lbs. 10 ounces and the other was 9 lbs. 4 ounces. I had zero issues/problems during the pregnancy and birth related to the Chiari. And I also have scoliosis and have a Harrington Rod and a fused spine and that still didn't prevent me from having completely normal and problem-free pregnancy and births. I hope this helps and feel free to ask me more questions about my pregnancy and births, I'm happy to share and help out any way I can. -Val

I just came across some information about Chiari and pregnancy that I wanted to share. --- this is where I found the information

Here's the specific information I came across that I thought you might be interested in:

  • If pregnant, do CM-I patients have to have a Cesarean section?

    No. Many women have normal vaginal deliveries. This decision should be made after a discussion with your OB/GYN.

  • Is pregnancy possible with CM-I?

    Yes. Many women with CM-I have normal, uncomplicated pregnancies.