Did you know we have nearly 4,800 members here in our community and dozens joining every month? Every one of you united by your Chiari or that of a friend, child, spouse, other family member or close colleague who is living with Chiari Malformation or expecting that diagnosis.
Each person who joins us, and those who come to read our site but choose not to join, is reaching out. Reaching out for information or to share it, reaching out for somewhere to tell their story, reaching out to ask for help, reaching out for support or friendship.
However you cut it, it's pretty simple. It boils down to one thing. One basic human need. To not feel alone with Chiari.
It's ok if you find what you need simply by reading but when a member posts to share some part of their journey they are directly reaching out to make a connection with YOU, another human being sharing the same condition.
If you read their discussion but don't feel you can answer the question, haven't experienced the same issue or can't suggest a solution to the problem PLEASE pause a moment before moving on. Has some small part of the post resonated with you? Could you take a minute to reach out with a few words of kindness? If you don't know what to say, just say "Hello".
This small act, just a few seconds of your time, might make all the difference to someone who is lost, confused, scared, overwhelmed, in pain or any one of the other thousand emotions and experiences that every single person facing Chiari or other heath issues goes through at some point. Remember when you felt like that?
Our community tag line is To get support, give support. We would love to see more member posts supported.
Make a difference to someone. Please reach out to each other as much as you are able. This is YOUR community group.