I have had severe headaches and neck pain for 2 years. Just before the pain became to unbareable I had just ran my first and last half marathlon. I was recently diagnoised with Charai I. I have not been able to find out if skin sensitivity to my head is a part of the Charai or something else. The slightest touch to my head causes severe pain. This making getting a hair cut a difficult task. If anyone else has experienced this sensitivity please let me know. Thanks.
Pain from touch is called allodynia and I have experienced this during my several bouts with shingles. I would say since chiari can put pressure on your cranial nerves that it very well may cause the pain you experience.
Sadly there is not a lot that helps nerve pain. Maybe something like neurontin or lyrica could help? Definitely mention it to your doctor at your next visit!
You may want to try Arnica Cream or Gel. Some of the members have had good luck with it decreasing some pain. If you want to put it on your scalp you can mix the cream with oil. Coconut ot oilve oil in a mixture of 1 to 3. You mix it up really well and aply to hair/scalp and put a towel on over night or for several hours if you can stand having one on. If not use plastic wrap. Try it several times to see if it will take the edge off a littel. There is also two other mixed homeopathic creams that I have had good luck with over the years and both have Arnica as well as Hypericum which is for nerve pain. One is for leg cramps but works on other areas. It does have wintergreen in it and it is warming. It's called Hylands Leg Cramps Ointment and the other one is called The Rub by natro Bio. Arnica cream is available at any healthfood store. If you have a Whole Foods near you they probably will have all three or they can get it for you. They are also available all over the web and on Amazon. They are inexpensive and a little goes a long way. Try on a another less sensitive area of your body before you put on your most painful parts. I hope this helps.
I have a Cranial Nerve Disorder besides CM. I take several medications and Arnica helps me tremendously. I didn't even mix it with oil. I just rubbed it all over my scalp. Are you getting a headache when people touch your head & does your face hurt also?
Tracy Z.
Thank you fo all your advice. I will try the Arnica. The head hurts all the time but it gets worse when it is touched. Other things set it off also.